Sunday, June 24, 2012

Science News

Frosty glaciers keeping the world cozy warm

Here is the reason not to go to India: Eat, Pray, Love. These are not my words. These are the [...]
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Rare ‘Hot Jupiters’ and the Search for Alien Life

We tend to think of the sun as stable; we even describe its intensity as the ‘solar constant.’ Perhaps this [...]
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The Flow-Chart of Science

Next time you’re perusing your favorite newspaper or news website, it’s quite likely you’ll come across a headline announcing a [...]
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Fun with Science Facebook Page

My new Facebook page SciFact Central is beginning to attract a following of adults and teens who enjoy “Fun Facts.” [...]
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VHL and autophagy continued

Last week’s blog post described a clear cell renal cell carcinoma (ccRCC) paper which suggests that microRNA-204 (MiR-204) acts as [...]
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Loneliness Linked to Serious Health Problems and Death Among Elderly

Loneliness — the unpleasant feeling of emptiness or desolation — can creep in and cause suffering to people at any [...]
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Buying life experiences to impress others removes happiness boost

Spending money on activities and events, such as concert tickets or exotic vacations, won’t make you happier if you’re doing [...]
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Arctic methane could spell trouble for Florida coastline

The ancient reserves of methane gas seeping from the melting Arctic ice cap told Jeff Chanton and fellow researchers what [...]
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World-class performers have high brain integration

Scientists trying to understand why some people excel — whether as world-class athletes, virtuoso musicians, or top CEOs — have [...]
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Million year old groundwater in Maryland water supply

A portion of the groundwater in the upper Patapsco aquifer underlying Maryland is over a million years old. A new [...]
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Researchers describe new anti-cocaine vaccine

A single-dose vaccine capable of providing immunity against the effects of cocaine offers a novel and groundbreaking strategy for treating [...]
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Cancer’s Next Magic Bullet May Be Magic Shotgun

A new approach to drug design, pioneered by a group of researchers at the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) [...]
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Freud’s theory of unconscious conflict linked to anxiety symptoms

An experiment that Sigmund Freud could never have imagined 100 years ago may help lend scientific support for one of [...]
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Gut microbe produces neurotransmitter, could play role in inflammation

Researchers at Baylor College of Medicine and Texas Children’s Hospital have identified commensal bacteria in the human intestine that produce [...]
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Arctic forests could increase C02 release

Carbon stored in Arctic tundra could be released into the atmosphere by new trees growing in the warmer region, exacerbating [...]
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Monkey Lip Smacks Provide New Insights Into the Evolution of Human Speech

Scientists have traditionally sought the evolutionary origins of human speech in primate vocalizations, such as monkey coos or chimpanzee hoots. [...]
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