Saturday, July 13, 2013

Debunking the Myth of the Fiscally Responsible repugican

From Forward Progressives

To spend the money Republicans have over the years on extremely bloated programs such as our national defense, while claiming to be fiscally conservative just because they seek to cut programs that help the poor, would be like an someone saying they're tackling their massive debt by cutting out Cheerios from their monthly budget.

They handed over massive tax breaks to the top 2% of Americans, deregulated our financial sector, then when it all fell apart - their answer to fix the mess was blaming people on food stamps and pushing for more tax breaks for the very same people that didn't create jobs with the tax breaks they were given nearly a decade earlier.

There's nothing responsible about that.

So while Republicans might have manipulated their voters into believing that they support the "party for fiscal responsibility," I'll challenge any Republican reading this to show me where a Republican President in the last half century has balanced the budget.

And when they can do that, then I'll be the first one to call Republicans fiscally responsible.

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