Saturday, July 13, 2013

Obama's Economy Shatters Records with 'Huge' Budget Surplus in June

From Politicus USA

Things are looking great for President Obama's economic legacy. Even better than anyone could have hoped, frankly.

On Thursday June 11th, two economic records were set. The first record shattered was the U.S. government posted a 'huge' budget surplus for June, in fact the largest for that month on record at $117 billion.

The second record was the Dow, which rallied above its all-time closing high this morning after Bernake assured investors that the central bank would be keeping stimulus measures in place.

Reuters led with this headline today, "Surprise! Huge US Budget Surplus Shatters Record". Reuters attributed the huge surplus to, "An improving economy and tax hikes enacted earlier in the year led government receipts to rise to $287 billion, up 10 percent from a year earlier."

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