Saturday, August 17, 2013

Astronomical News

Scientific Minds Want To Know
These 13 newly found planets fly sizzlingly close to their stars, orbiting in just 3 to 10 hours.
Galaxies matured much earlier than scientists thought, a new analysis of a vast amount of Hubble Space Telescope data shows. 
'Journey' aimed to study the best ways to feed astronauts during a trip to Mars.
SpaceX's prototype reusable booster managed to hover more than 1,000 feet above ground.
Space Florida, a state-backed economic development agency, doubled its budget to refurbish two old space shuttle hangers in an effort to lure a secretive military project to the Kennedy Space Center.
The Juno spacecraft is speeding through space towards its date with Jupiter, but it will need a little help from home to get there.
There have been many alternative history scenarios that explore what might have happened if Nazi Germany won WWII -- How might this have driven space exploration? 
Gamma ray bursts (GRBs) are some of the most powerful explosions in the Universe -- now a new GRB has been spotted from a time in the Universe's history when galaxies were just beginning to form.

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