Saturday, August 17, 2013

Science Mash Up

Scientific Minds Want To Know
Low levels of added sugar in diets of mice shortened their lifespan and reduced reproduction, a new study shows. 
Fear and lack of data can drive stereotypes.
Like any religious conflict, this debate can only be settled with a point system.
More goes into making Ouija boards move than you might think. Scientists are now saying this fabled link to the "other side" is really just driven by the players' subconscious. Laci explains.
The more you browse through your news feed, post comments and like posts on Facebook, the more likely you are to feel dissatisfied with your life.
Thought you knew how penises worked? You've got it all wrong! Some animals have an actual bone that does the ... hard work. Laci explains.
American culture appears to be shifting on the issue of marijuana legalization.
In light of a San Diego man who kidnapped a teenager and was ultimately killed during her rescue, we wonder: How close are any of us to snapping?

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