Sunday, November 17, 2013

Did Obama Break his Word?

Nobody bothered to look at the facts

Obama has been getting grief over his "You can keep your insurance" pledge. The media have been
filled with stories about people across the country who are having their insurance policies terminated,
ostensibly because they did not meet the requirements of the ACA. While this has led many to say that
Obama was lying, there is much less here than meets the eye.

First, the ACA grand-fathered all the policies that were in place at the time the law was enacted.
This means that the plans in effect at the time that President Obama was pushing the bill could still be offered even if they did not meet all the standards laid out in the ACA.

The plans being terminated because they don't meet the minimal standards were all plans that insurers
introduced AFTER the passage of the ACA. Insurers introduced these plans knowing that they would
not meet the standards that would come into effect in 2014. Insurers may not have informed their clients
at the time they sold these plans that they would not be available after 2014 because they designed a
that did not comply with the ACA. 

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