Sunday, November 17, 2013

Obama Promises He Will Veto the Latest House repugican Trick to Destroy the ACA

House repugicans are wasting more time voting on a bill that is disguised as a fix to the ACA, but it really an act of sabotage. President Obama has already promised he will veto the bill.
In a statement released by OMB, the White House said,
The Administration strongly opposes House passage of H.R. 3350 because it threatens the health care security of hard working, middle class families. The Nation is experiencing the slowest growth in health spending in the last 50 years. Since 2008, growth in private health insurance spending stayed between three and four percent – significantly lower than earlier this decade when growth reached almost 12 percent. With health care costs rising at such low rates, this bill would be a major step back.
H.R. 3350 rolls back the progress made by allowing insurers to continue to sell new plans that deploy practices such as not offering coverage for people with pre-existing conditions, charging women more than men, and continuing yearly caps on the amount of care that enrollees receive. The Administration supports policies that allow people to keep the health plans that they have. But, policies that reverse the progress made to extend quality, affordable coverage to millions of uninsured, hardworking, middle class families are not the solution. Rather than refighting old political battles to sabotage the health care law, the Congress should work with the Administration to improve the law and move forward.
If the President were presented with H.R. 3350, he would veto it.
The Upton bill is just more of the same from House repugicans. The only difference is that they have changed their pitch to make it appear as if they are saving health insurance choices for the American people. What the legislation really does is it cuts off the ACA’s lifeline, by allowing insurance companies to sell low cost junk insurance to existing and new customers.
The bill is nothing more than a stealth move to repeal the ACA. This is all part of John Boehner’s master plan to deny the American people healthcare. Boehner and company are going to wrap their attempts to repeal Obamacare in the language of saving it. By Boehner’s own admission this legislation is an attempt to fracture and break the Democratic Obamacare coalition.
It’s not a fix to the law. It is a death sentence. The administrative fix that President Obama announced yesterday took the wind out of the sails of Boehner’s latest act of healthcare sabotage. House repugicans are wasting one of the few remaining legislative days that they have left this year on a show vote that is designed to play politics on the ACA.
The Upton bill is a sham and if it managed to somehow get through Congress, President Obama would veto it faster than Boehner can light his first morning cigarette.

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