Monday, December 30, 2013

Court found drugs courier's explanation that she thought 'grass' was for lawn unlikely

A woman caught smuggling seven kilograms of cannabis into Sweden via the Öresund train has claimed that she thought it was "grass" for the garden.
The woman was stopped on the train plying the route from Copenhagen to Malmö by customs officials. She was carrying a bag which contained the contraband.
The cannabis weighed in at 7.4 kilos and the woman admitted straight away that she was carrying "grass". But she claimed she had no idea that the find concerned a narcotic.

The woman claimed that she had no idea that the word "grass" is an established term used to refer to cannabis, explaining that her only knowledge of drugs came from seeing some white powder in a movie. Malmö District Court found this explanation unlikely and jailed her for two years and three months.

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