Monday, December 30, 2013

Woman agrees to return home after husband promises to construct a toilet

A 27-year-old Dalit woman has agreed to return to her husband’s home at a village in the Dewas district of the Indian state of Madhya Pradesh, after he promised before a court that he would get a proper toilet constructed.

Savita, who married to Devkaran Malviya (30) of Mundlaana village about seven years ago, left her husband three years ago. She went to live with her parents as she felt ashamed at being forced to answer the nature’s call in the open.
She filed a case in a local court seeking monthly maintenance from her husband. During the course of the trial, it came to light that she had a dispute with her husband over the absence of a proper toilet facility in his house.

She told the magistrate court that she would not go to her husband’s home unless a proper toilet was built there. Devkaran assured the court that he would ensure a proper toilet was installed at his home before January 10, which is the next date of hearing.

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