Monday, December 30, 2013

Man arrested for shooting neighbor's rooster with bow and arrow for flirting with his pet hen

It was a “love affair” that went terribly wrong. A rooster escaped death by a whisker after a man in India shot it with an arrow while it was fraternizing with his hen. The man in Dekakund village in Madhya Pradesh's Alirazpur district tried to kill the rooster when it was seen in the company of his pet hen. On Monday morning, Jagliya Bhil's pet rooster accidentally slipped into neighbor Gyan Singh Bhil's property. A little later, Gyan Singh's pet hen wandered around to join the rooster's company.

Seeing his hen in the company of somebody else's rooster infuriated Gyan Singh so much that he decided to teach the rooster a lesson that he would never dare enter his property again. So, furious Gyan Singh went back into his house, brought out a homemade bow and arrow and aimed at the rooster. A shocked Jagliya took his arrow-hit rooster to the Jobat Police Station where he lodged a complaint against Gyan Singh and then his rooster was taken to a hospital.
"We lodged a case against Gyan Singh Bhil and rushed the rooster for further treatment," in-charge of Jobat Police Station Asha R. Verma said. In the veterinary clinic, the doctor had to wait for the rooster's condition to improve before he could pull the arrow out successfully. A health officer in the hospital explained that had they removed the arrow immediately, the rooster would have lost too much blood and lost its life.

"The tissue elasticity has a tendency to compress the wound track and the arrow in situ tends to exert an incomplete tamponade on the wound. The delayed removal leads to local inflammatory process and a fibrous reaction which causes loosening of the arrow after which the arrow can easily be extracted without expanding the wound," he explained. The rooster's condition had improved by the time the it was handed back to its owner.

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