Thursday, December 5, 2013

Good News!

Good News! Supreme Court Upholds Obamacare Against Christian College (Video)

Supreme Court Upholds Obamacare Against 'christian' College

Liberty University’s challenge to Obamacare has been rejected by the Supreme Court. The school sued on the grounds that the government could not force a private institution to offer a certain level of health coverage, including birth control.
The school was founded in 1971 by Jerry Falwell and was originally called Liberty baptist College.
The Court declined to comment on their action.
This decision portends well for the Affordable Care Act in the suit filed by Hobby Lobby covering the same issues. The fight is about contraceptives, which some christian sects view as having the same effect as abortions,
However, both the retail chain and the school could potentially employ people of many different faiths. Also, oral contraceptives are often used in treating a wide spectrum of female issues.
The Hobby Lobby case, which is still pending, asks that corporations be granted religious freedom, as it is theoretically proffered to citizens.
This mirrors Citizens United that allowed corporations to donate to political campaigns in any amount, thus guaranteeing their freedom of speech.
Because having an army of lawyers on Capital Hill apparently isn’t enough expression.

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