Thursday, December 5, 2013

The Article Every Liberal Needs To Show a Wingnut

Sometimes you hit a point where you can no longer sugarcoat your political arguments.  As you hear the same asinine statements constantly repeated, you just hit a point where you want to stand up and say, “Look you babbling buffoon, let me spell it out for you very simply.”Now, most times we can’t do this because the person who we’re debating is a friend or relative and we don’t want to be overly rude.
Well, I’ve decided to do it for you.
Here are a few of my simplified responses to the ignorance by many on some key topics being debated in our country (and probably others as well):
Gun Rights:
I love when I see repugicans showing off some image of a group of “good ol’ boys” holding shotguns and hunting rifles with some caption like “Want to take our guns? Good luck!”  That or someone holding a handgun with a caption along the lines of “Liberals, come and take this!”
Attention all Faux News Sheeple:
Obama never said he was going to take your hunting rifles or handguns away.  He said he wants universal background checks, a ban on high-capacity magazines and a ban on assault weapons (a ban that every repugican pretender in the last 30 years, including Ronald Reagan andthe shrub has supported).
So, when you share these pictures, acting as if you’re “getting at liberal ignorance,” all you’re really doing is spreading an image around the internet that showcases how you–and any other repugican who sees it and thinks “EXACTLY!”–don’t know a damn thing about which you’re speaking.
We’re Out to Preserve the Sanctity of Marriage

Unless you want to make divorce illegal, don’t tell me about same-sex marriage “ruining the sanctity of marriage.”
Divorce did that long ago.
Marriage is a Sacred Bond Before god
Alright you religious radicals, I’ll take you on too.
Let’s assume marriage is a “sacred bond before god”.
First, that would eliminate any government involvement to define marriage.  So your push for a government “ban” on same-sex marriage would be pointless.
Second, there are millions of christians who support same-sex marriage and many cults that would marry gay couples.  So isn’t that up to that particular coven?
Or do you feel your covenn should control all others?
Which, if you feel your coven should control all other cults (and rule every American), isn’t that a GIANT violation of the First Amendment, which gives Americans freedom of (or from) cults?
Then if you feel your cult should control all others, and all Americans, you then support a theocracy and apparently oppose the United States and our Constitutionally protected freedoms.
Because this country was largely founded to prevent, not strengthen, theocratic rule.
Same-sex Marriage overall
Honestly, I’m exhausted with the same-sex marriage “debate.”  There is no debate.
Procreation is not a requirement for the right to marry, nor are those who procreate required to get married.
“Homosexuality is a sin” comes from cults.
The term “traditional marriage” is defined from cult text.
Our country does not establish laws based on cults..
Therefore your “arguments” are invalid.
The end.
The repugicans: The cabal for 'christian' Values
If you want to say you’re the party of “christian values” and you worship jesus christ…
Start by helping the sick, the poor, the needy—not opposing programs that do.
The repugicans are for Fiscal Responsibility
Not even close.  There hasn’t been a repugican pretender that’s balanced the budget since Dwight D. Eisenhower, who served from 1953-1961.
Ronald Reagan, thew shrub's daddie and the shrub all drastically increased our national debt.
The repugicans are the cabal of Small Government
Big government regulations, they’re un-American!  They’re unconstitutional and ruining your way of life!
Unless that big government regulates:
  • What language to speak
  • Cult to follow
  • When life is created
  • Who can marry
  • Who can serve in the military
  • Invasive health procedures on women
  • That we have prayer in school
  • Mosques aren’t built in certain locations
  • Corporations are people
  • The Patriot Act
  • Unions don’t have rights
  • When alcohol can be sold
  • The requirement of an ID to vote
Then those government regulations are just fine.  How “small government” of you, repugicans!
Abortion is a Constitutionally protected right.  That isn’t debatable.
You might not agree with abortion, you might think it’s murder, you might think life starts at the moment of conception.
It really doesn’t matter.  Abortion is a Constitutionally protected right—end of story.
So when you, and the party that you support, openly attempt to infringe on that right (or outright says they want to end abortion) you’re supporting a stance that violates a Constitutionally protected right.
For more on the overall hypocrisy of the wingnut’s anti-choice stance, check out this in-depth article.

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