Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Man stole hand sanitizer to make Screwdriver cocktails

A Pennsylvania man faces charges after confessing to stealing a large amount of hand sanitizer from a hospital. Lee B. Ammerman, 51, of Altoona, is accused of taking 12 containers of liquid hand sanitizer over the span of several months and allegedly told police he stole them so he could drink them for the alcohol.
"I mix the liquid with orange juice," Ammerman said after he was detained on Jan. 2 at the hospital and questioned about the thefts. Police said a man matching Ammerman's description was seen concealing hand sanitizer in an arm sling before leaving the hospital Oct. 21, and on Dec. 10, Ammerman allegedly stole more containers.
An employee allegedly saw Ammerman steal hand sanitizer on Dec. 23, and police were able to positively identify their suspect as Ammerman. Police said Ammerman was headed to a restroom at the hospital when officers confronted him and asked him to answer some questions about the thefts.
Ammerman agreed to speak with police and admitted to stealing the hand sanitizer. Ammerman said he stole "a large amount" of the containers, worth $6.65 each. In all, UPMC Altoona is asking for $79.80 to pay for 12 containers and said employees had to replace four to six containers each day in November and December. Ammerman was charged misdemeanor theft and receiving stolen property.

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