Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Police release CCTV footage in appeal to catch Eggnog brawler

Detectives investigating a shop brawl sparked by thieves who tried stealing a carton of Eggnog have released CCTV footage of the fight in a bid to trace a man who threw punches before fleeing the fracas.
The man can be seen struggling with staff who tried to detain him at A-Z Bargain on Soho Road in Birmingham on 3 December, but he manages to get away before police arrive.

His cap is knocked off his head at one point during the scuffle revealing his face to the camera – but he’s not yet been identified. A second man was arrested at the time and is currently on bail. Detective Constable Richard Marsh from Birmingham CID hopes the appeal may prompt someone to come forward and help identify the man in the video.
He said: “Staff were punched and threatened with a weapon when they challenged the pair but were able to hold on to one of the two men until police arrived – but the second suspect got away. To use such an excessive amount of violence because of a dispute about a carton of Eggnog is inexcusable. Please help us find him by getting in touch with a name.”

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