Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Faux News Anchor Megyn Kelly Admitted into Psychiatric Ward

by Alex Kuzio
(Photo Credit: FOX NEWS) 
Faux News host Megyn Kelly has been admitted to an undisclosed psychiatric ward at a New York area hospital, according to family and friends. Kelly—a long-serving daytime host at Faux News—was forcibly admitted earlier this week after she argued on live TV that Santa Claus “is white,” and should therefore never be depicted as any other race. Doctors who have examined the anchor say that Kelly—who joined the Faux News team in 2004 and currently hosts “The Kelly File”—is suffering from “bizarre delusions” and “obsessiveness.”
On Wednesday, Kelly used a portion of her show to attack a recent Slate.com article that argued Santa Claus needn’t always be portrayed as a white man, since children of color often feel left out. “For all you kids watching at home, Santa just is white,” Kelly said. “But this person is just arguing that maybe we should also have a black Santa. But Santa is what he is.”
Doctors say that “only someone very deranged would argue about a make-believe character’s race,” and Bass believes that Kelly will need months of close psychiatric attention in order to get better.
“We’re not just dealing with the Santa Claus delusion,” Dr. Bass explained. “Megyn also called it a ‘verifiable fact’ that ‘jesus was a white man, too.’ Now, most people who aren’t crazy know that jesus was a Middle Eastern jew, which isn’t exactly WASP, so you can see how troubled Ms. Kelly’s mind has become.”
A family member told Newslo that those closest to her have worried about Kelly’s mental health for some time. “Not too long ago, our Meggy went on Faux and said that pepper spray is ‘a derivative of actual pepper, a food product, essentially.’ That’s when we knew she had lost her grip on reality, but this whole ‘Santa-Claus-was-a-white-dude’ obsession made it clear to us that she needed professional help.”
Faux News producers say that Kelly’s “insane ideas” were what made her an “effective Faux News host.” “It’ll be tough filling her shoes while she’s gone,” said one producer, “and let’s hope the doctors don’t heal her too well. We’d hate to see her leave cable news for good.”
This is an old story.
We use it here to illustrate the pervasive madness that is the insanely delusion mind of any wingnut you encounter.
And since we do not listen to Faux News we do not know if she is back on the air yet or not.
She should never be allowed on the air ever again but Faux News is a haven for the mentally ill so who knows.
As professionals in the psychological field we can say she should be institutionalized for an extremely long stay (as in lifetime).
Every wingnut we have ever met or heard should be locked in a padded room for a time - some might recover ... most will not.
Every civilization mankind has ever developed has been destroyed by the wingnuts of the day and yet they do/did not get the connection either during their era or today's wingnuts looking back at all the lost civilizations of history.

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