Tuesday, April 29, 2014

The repugicans Are Angry That Their cabal Is So Damn Stupid

rand-paul-cpac Pulitzer Prize winner Bret Stephens is not pleased with the repugican cabal, and it’s not because he’s a Democrat or a liberal. Nope. He’s openly hostile to Democrats. He’s not pleased because he seems to find stupid unbearable and he’s knee deep in stupid, Rand Paul style.
Join the party, Stephens.
On Monday, he wrote a scathing piece in the Wall Street Journal declaring that, of course, Jeb Bush was not suited to be President because “He is insufficiently hostile to Mexicans.” He goes through the list, bitterly recanting how while Democrats like Bill Clinton are revered after they are cited for contempt, poor Chris Christie can’t even be President because Bridgegate … and yet Christie didn’t even know about it (so says Christie), but the whiff of a scandal is enough to put the repugican cabal off Christie.
They are stuck with Rand Paul, it seems, and this doesn’t please Stephens, because he knows all about Paul defending his hire of a neo-confederate, pro-secessionist named Jack Hunter, aka the Southern Avenger and Paul’s other fringe associations.
He wrote:
No, what we need as the repugican nominee in 2016 is a man of more glaring disqualifications. Someone so nakedly unacceptable to the overwhelming majority of sane Americans that only the repugican cabal could think of nominating him.
This man is Rand Paul, the junior senator from a state with eight electoral votes. The man who, as of this writing, has three years worth of experience in elected office. Barack Obama had more political experience when he ran for president. That’s worked out well.
But what really seems to burn is the fact that Paul criticized former VP Dick Cheney by suggesting that he started the Iraq war for Halliburton profits, which Stephens finds to be an outrageous accusation on par with the whole Southern Avenger defending John Wilkes Booth for assassinating Lincoln because of the slaves thing.
Oh, the pre Civil War days were something in Rand Paul’s office. The good old days, when everyone knew their place and whites were so happy! Fan Mr. Rand and ring that bell.
The bottom line is Stephens knows that Paul can’t win. So he’s angry at the repugicans for building this stupidity. It’s truly incredible that a person as smart as Stephens can hang in there with the repugican cabal this long, six years post what appeared incorrectly, it turns out, to be their bottom with their nomination of Sarah Palin.

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