Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Brown Skin Is The Only Reason Why repugicans Want To Deport Hispanics

But fear not, it is not because of your country of origin, or because you contribute to the economy and the nation's defense, but because your skin is…
In the sports world, it is typical for a team that loses a big game, whether it is a national championship or bitter rivalry, to look back at why they lost and strategize a new game-plan to avoid making the same mistakes again. It is no different in the world of American politics. After repugicans failed to win and take control of the entire government in 2012, cabal leaders commissioned an autopsy to examine why they lost and make recommendations on how best to garner support from demographics that shunned the party at the polls. Now, the course of wisdom would dictate that following the recommendations closely would be of paramount importance to repugicans, but their deep-seated hatred of women, the poor, and particularly Hispanics overshadowed any attempt to make the cabal appealing to those groups by at least giving the appearance of engagement.
It had appeared that at least some repugicans in the Senate heeded the national cabal’s policy of reaching out to Latinos when they worked with Democrats to craft a long sought-after comprehensive overhaul of immigration policy in America. However, that outreach quickly morphed into a provocative anti-immigration, anti-Latino, and anti-humanitarian stance that now defines the repugican cabal. In fact, repugicans in Congress have taken precisely the opposite approach to what the repugican national coven strategists and pollsters strongly advised them would be smart, and instead of reaching out to Latinos, became the face of hateful anti-immigration and by extension anti-Latino. A face that, for all intents and purposes, characterizes and defines them as hating Brown people as much as they do African Americans, women, gays, and the poor.
The House has had ample opportunity to take up and pass the bipartisan Senate immigration reform bill, but the leadership is mortified of crossing de facto House speaker Ted Cruz. Subsequently, Speaker John Boehner allowed anti-immigrant heroes Steve King (r-IA) and Michele Bachmann (r/tp-MN) to craft their own immigration reform bill and Boehner said the chamber would pass it regardless what it entailed. Not only did the teabagger-repugicans running the House disregard the humanitarian crisis at the southern border the legislation could have addressed, repugicans passed a bill attacking President Obama (not an immigrant) and demanded mass deportations of Dream Act children living in America most of their lives through no fault of their own.
The shift among many congressional repugicans that actually intended to approve the President’s plan to address the humanitarian crisis at the U.S. border with Mexico in July should not be surprising. At first repugicans considered just amending the President’s plan, and then destroying it completely; they eventually passed an extreme lunatic fringe wingnut proposal that many wingnuts still do not feel goes far enough to rid America of Hispanic immigrants completely. In fact, the anti-immigrant repugican proposals, tellingly, included extremist provisions repugican cabal leadership rejected days earlier because even its proponents regarded it as legislatively dead for its harsh measures. However, now Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell joined the extremist anti-immigrant cabal and is demanding the Senate take up the House obscenity because the official party line during a midterm election has become “we hate Hispanics.”
Instead of calling on House repugicans to vote on the bipartisan Senate immigration package, McConnell wants to end deportation relief for undocumented immigrant children as well as strip executive authority from President Obama to grant relief to any other Latino immigrant. The man who claims to have crafted the legislation McConnell now heartily endorses, Steve King, boasted that “the changes brought into this are ones I’ve developed and advocated for over the past two years. It’s like I ordered it off the menu.” Along with Ted Cruz, and newly-crowned anti-immigration hero and indicted governor, Rick Perry, King is likely the “Congress’ most vituperative opponent of immigration.” By demanding the Senate vote and pass the House mass-deportation legislation, Mitch McConnell just branded the entire repugican congress openly hostile to immigrant children who lived in America most of their lives.
McConnell said, regarding the President’s 2012 Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, “The Constitution requires that he take that the laws be faithfully executed, and the Senate should vote on two House bills” to change the repugicans 2008 law giving asylum to child refugees and immediately deport well-over 1.5 million immigrant students guaranteed an education according to a Supreme Court ruling Plyler v. Doe. The President has faithfully executed immigration laws and deported more than 1.1 million immigrants by 2012; by far the most by any president since the 1950s. However, repugicans want them all gone and McConnell put the House “deport ‘em all” bill on the Senate legislative calendar before leaving on his five-week paid vacation. The decision to hold a vote on legislation to deport over one-and-a-half million immigrant Dreamers, and change the humanitarian law protecting child refugees is Harry Reid’s.
The republicans were primarily anti-immigration long before the current phony crisis at the southern border as a result of their 2008 law, but there were some, like Texas’ Rick Perry who said during the 2012 presidential primary to “have a heart” when considering the plight of immigrants. Perry is now in the same camp as “there’s a war on whites” Mo Brooks (r-Ala) who said he wants to deport all Dream Act kids, and keep going by throwing out the rest of the 8-million undocumented immigrants working, contributing to, and supporting America. The repugicans actively support throwing nearly 10-million immigrants out of the country and they wonder why Latinos are not flocking to the ballot box to support repugican candidates.
Over two-thirds of Americans support immigration reform that gives a path to citizenship for immigrants whether they are “Dreamers” or not. The majority of Americans understand the great contribution immigrants, documented or not, have and continue to make to this country. The repugicans could not care less what Americans support because their base is inherently racist and nativistic, regardless that unless they are Native Americans, they too are descendants of immigrants to America. But they are primarily descendent from white immigrants and in their perverse minds, god created America for white people, and established the Southern border for the express purpose of keeping Brown people out of what they believe god intended to be an Aryan nation.
So it is that one hopes immigrants and Dreamers enjoyed their brief welcome to America; the land where one of two major political party’s hates you so much they want you all kicked out of what repugican demi-god Ronald Reagan errantly claimed was a “shining city on a hill.” However, even though the United Nations is investigating your plight as immigrants to determine why America hates you due to your racial makeup, repugicans still want you deported with extreme prejudice.
But fear not, it is not because of your country of origin, or because you contribute to the economy and the nation’s defense, but because your skin is brown and it is the only reason the racists in the repugican cabal want you extricated from their white America. Take solace in the fact that repugicans want the same thing for President Obama who is fighting to provide you with a path to become American citizens, and frankly it boggles the mind that you would want to be a citizen of a nation steeped in white supremacy.

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