Wednesday, August 20, 2014

John Boehner Blames All Of His Failures On Obama Not Being Up To The Job Of President

From the "Projection and Transference" Department:
boehner-radioDuring a recent radio interview, John Boehner blamed every single repugican failure on Obama not being up to the job of being president.
The Hill summed it up:
John Boehner (r-Ohio) blasted President Obama’s domestic and foreign policies in a recent radio interview, saying Obama was “not prepared for the job.”
Boehner also blamed global tensions on Obama’s “apology tour” five years ago.
“When America leads and America is strong, the world is a much safer place,” he said. “The world wants us to lead.”
“When you look at this White House, you see incompetence at many levels,” Boehner added.
“Democrats, repugicans, nobody has a relationship with the White House,” he said.
“It’s not about Democrats versus repugicans,” Boehner said. “It’s a White House that’s not very well organized and, frankly, not very effective as well.”
“There’s nobody more frustrated than I am, but we’re the minority party,” Boehner added.
Boehner is going around the country trying to pass the buck for his own failures. The idea that Obama is responsible for the failings of a House of Representatives that refuses to cooperate with the Senate or the White House is borderline insane.
Speaker Boehner’s talking points were old and tired years ago. When a repugican breaks out the old apology tour line, they are really fishing for an excuse. The reality of the situation is that John Boehner is the one who hasn’t been up to the job. He can’t control his own repugicans. Boehner can’t even pass his own legislation. It is Boehner who has failed the country, not Obama.
Since repugicans can’t run on their records, they are giving voters more of the same batch of excuses that they have used for the last four years. Obama never went on an apology tour, but Speaker Boehner is traveling the country making excuses for his own incompetence.

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