Sunday, August 24, 2014

Deported Lithuanian burglar returned to UK to retrieve hidden stolen jewellery

A deported burglar was caught and re-jailed when he returned to Peterborough to retrieve stolen jewellery he had hidden under floorboards. The home of Alexandra Kalandrani was ransacked by Lithuanian Marius Siurkus in March. He was jailed for burglary in June. After release he was deported, but was found 10 days later back in the city.
Siurkus, 32, and accomplice Mantas Pronckus, 27, pleaded guilty to burgling the house Ms Kalandrani shared with her mother. Pronckus is currently serving a two-year sentence, but Siurkus, jailed for a year, was released earlier this month and deported to Lithuania. On 13 August, just 10 days after he was deported, he was identified as a suspect in an assault investigation in Peterborough. On 15 August Siurkus was arrested by Cambridgeshire Police at his old home in St Martin's Street.
Officers noticed floorboards in the property had been lifted, and a quantity of jewellery from the burglary was discovered. The "irreplaceable" jewellery, given to Ms Kalandrani by her mother, who died three months after the burglary, has now been returned to her. "I'm extremely happy. Sadly some of the more sentimental items have not been found, but it's just bizarre," Ms Kalandrani said. "I'm excited to have the jewellery back, but also frustrated because there's been a failure somewhere.
"I don't understand how someone can walk back into the country so easily despite being deported." Cambridgeshire Police said Siurkus had returned to prison to serve out the rest of his sentence. No further action took place over the assault. Det Con Jason Hancock said: "We will continue to track down and arrest those responsible for burglary and tackle offenders who ignore deportation orders." The Home Office, which monitors UK immigration and customs controls through its Border Force section, refused to comment on whether measures were in place to prevent deported prisoners such as Siurkus re-entering the country.

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