Sunday, August 24, 2014

Moron repugican: Obama's 'Muslim Brothers' Preventing Further Action Against Terrorists In Iraq

A repugican 'warned' Americans that President Obama would not be able to adequately protect the nation from the threat posed by the Islamic State in Iraq and Greater Syria (ISIS) - the terrorist organization that has taken over large parts of Iraq - because the administration's policy is being guided and influenced by "muslim brothers."
Appearing on SiriusXM's "The Wilkow Majority,"  Louie Gohmert (r-TX) argued, "if you're Commander-in-Chief you can't be listening to muslim brother advise on when it's time to stop destroying muslim brothers."
The comments was a reference to the Texas moron's delusion that the U.S. government has been infiltrated by the muslim brotherhood, a group that Egypt recently opted to reclassify as a terrorist organization. In 2012, Gohmert joined a small coven of wingnuts  led by Michele Bachmann (r-MN) to demand that the Inspectors General of four government agencies investigate "deep penetration" by the muslim brotherhood in the U.S. government. The Obama administration condemned the idiots for using false and inaccurate information to smear "anyone that happens to be muslim."

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