Monday, September 22, 2014

Did you know ...

Did the repugicans deliberately crash the U.S. economy? Yes!
Here's proof that cops shoot black people more than whites
About the bad teacher conspiracy
That you really can get pulled over for driving while black, federal study says
About America's urban water crisis
That the end of fracking may be closer than you think
Here Latino activists debate boycotting the 2014 mid-terms
See what age segregation does to America
And are economists biased to be pro-management?
That outsourcing probation puts the costs on the poor
5 reasons prove jesus never existed
The ice caps melting faster than previously thought
That Senator Cory Booker wants to strip sports leagues of their tax-exempt staus
About the cats of world war I
That the U.S. has had the same arguments about teachers for about 100 years
And it's no surprise that the IRS is auditing Breitbart news
About wage theft lawsuits filed against the Hollywood technopus
Just how carbon may save the planet from global warming
That Microsoft's tax dodge alone could fund the entire state of Washington for two years
That music streaming is booming, and that's a problem for the music business
That your IQ changes over time

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