Monday, September 22, 2014

They are trying to stop the student vote

We won't let them!

"They," of course, refers to repugicans. "We" refers to every person who believes the right to vote is fundamental.
Voter suppression isn't something that only happens to black people, Latinos, women, immigrants, the transgendered, the elderly, and the disabled.
The repugicans in legislatures across the nation don't want young people to vote. They are specifically targeting students at universities and colleges across the nation.
Gee, wonder why that is?  I'm sure you can figure it out-instantly. 
As Catherine Rampell wrote:
First they came for blacks, and we said nothing. Then they came for Latinos, poor people and married women, and we again ignored the warning signs. Now, after our years of apathy, they're coming for us: the nation's millennials.
Across the country, repugican state policy makers have hoisted barriers to voting by passing voter-ID laws and curtailing electoral accommodations such as same-day registration and early voting. These policy changes are allegedly intended to eradicate the imagined scourge of voter fraud, but the real point seems to be voter suppression.
For a time, the targeted populations were primarily racial, ethnic and income groups that traditionally vote Democratic. Now they happen to include Gen-Y'ers, more specifically my college-age brethren. We millennials may be fickle in our loyalties, distrustful of government institutions and unaligned with any political party, but our generation's motley, liberal-to-libertarian-leaning ideological preferences still threaten red-state leadership. In response, repugicans have set out to erect creative, unconstitutional, Tough-Mudder-style obstacle courses along our path to the polls.
Contrary to the popular media depictions of youthful apathy, there are a host of groups across the county, in communities, and on campuses who are fighting back against restrictive bills and getting young folks registered.

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