Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Do Farts Carry Germs?

When you fart, are you spraying microbes all over? Should we fear the effects of flatulence in a crowd? Science is on the question!
“It all started with an inquiry from a nurse,” Dr Karl Kruszelnicki told listeners to his science phone-in show on the Triple J radio station in Brisbane. “She wanted to know whether she was contaminating the operating theater she worked in by quietly farting in the sterile environment during operations, and I realized that I didn’t know. But I was determined to find out.”
The upshot is that if people fart while wearing clothes, you’re pretty safe. But fart naked, and it’s a whole different story. And you’ll want to read that story of the experiment by which Dr. Kruszelnicki found the answer at Discover magazine. Oh, the things that researchers do in the name of science!

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