Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Widow claims husband died on flight due to his hairy chest

A man flying from Los Angeles to Albuquerque died of a heart attack. His wife thinks his hairy chest had something to do with his death, however.
Caroline and Jack Jordan were on the Southwest Airlines flight when the heart attack occurred. Passengers performed CPR, but he didn't survive the attack. His wife said a defibrillator was on board but wasn't used because of her husband's hairy chest.
"The flight attendant that had been right up there with us said because his chest is too hairy," she said. A doctor said reacting to an emergency quickly can be the difference between life and death, and chest hair is rarely a factor with a defibrillator not working.

Staff at the Heart Institute say there are razors and scissors included with the devices to shave hair and cut clothing and jewellery. Caroline Jordan said for her husband, it was too late. A Southwest Airlines spokeswoman said the airline is looking into the incident.

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