Sunday, October 19, 2014

Family Dollar Store Manager Tells Mother To Leave Her Disabled Toddler In Her Car While She Shops On A Hot Day

by Stephen D Foster Jr
A Louisiana woman is furious after a Family Dollar store manager demanded that she leave her disabled three-year-old son in her hot car while she shops.
Jessica Margiotta stopped at the discount store over the weekend to shop for diapers for her five month old daughter in Marrero, Louisiana but the store manager had a problem with her three-year-old son, who was in a stroller because of a muscle deficiency that makes walking difficult. The manager told Margiotta to leave her son in her vehicle while she shops. Needless to say, Margiotta was shocked by the demand and, of course, refused because the temperature outside was 90 degrees and the inside of the car would have been even higher after only a few minutes. Her son could have easily died.
“I would never leave my kids in the vehicle,” she said. “Ever. Cold or hot outside. They’re going to come with me.”
According to Margiotta, she has shopped at the store on multiple occasions and had never before been told she couldn’t use a stroller inside. The manager claimed that store policy prohibits the use of strollers but a representative of Family Dollar told WDSU that the store has no such policy and is investigating the incident.
Here’s the video:
Just this year alone, 28 children have died because parents have irresponsibly left them in a car. Doing such a thing is child abuse and that’s exactly what the Family Dollar store manager wanted Margiotta to do. He gave her two choices; commit child abuse by leaving her son in a hot car, or carry him and his sister around the store to pick up the items she needed. This is the kind of thing that should result in the firing of the store manager. No mother should have to face such treatment from a business for simply trying to care for her kids. This should outrage every parent and should lead to significant backlash against the store.

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