Sunday, October 19, 2014

Potty-mouthed man who attacked neighbor who'd let him use toilet suffered retaliation injury

A Florida man who let his locked-out neighbor use his bathroom was repaid by being threatened and attacked with a crowbar, according to a sheriff’s report. Norman Newkirk was badly in need of a bathroom at about 7pm on Friday, but found he had locked himself out of his New Smyrna Beach apartment.
The 50-year-old went to his neighbor who agreed to let Newkirk use his bathroom. It is not clear what sparked what came next. Neighbor Howard Williams told Volusia County sheriff’s investigators that shortly after he allowed Newkirk to use the toilet, he heard Newkirk yelling from the bathroom that he would “smear (expletive)” all over Williams, the report states.
Newkirk came out into the living room, got into Williams’ face and punched him in the nose, deputies said. Newkirk then grabbed a crowbar and threatened to hit Williams. As Williams, 59, tried to grab a wooden club to defend himself, Newkirk struck him in the back with the crowbar, deputies said. Williams then hit Newkirk in the head several times with the wooden club.
A drunken Newkirk said he was upset that he had locked himself out of his apartment. Along with the 12 stitches Newkirk needed to have his head patched, he was arrested and charged with aggravated assault with a deadly weapon and battery. After being cleared from Bert Fish Medical Center, Newkirk was taken to the Volusia County Branch Jail sporting a bandage on his head. He is being held on $5,500 bail.

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