Monday, October 6, 2014

Irony Alert: Faux News Tells Obama To Stop Picking On Them So Much

Without a hint of self-awareness, Faux News hack Greta Van Susteren was very offended that President Obama made a joke at her network’s expense on Thursday, saying that the president was obsessed with “picking a fight with Faux News” while there were serious issues going on in the world. Meanwhile, as she wrote that, her network continued its non-stop trivial criticisms of Obama unimpeded.
President Obama was at Northwestern University to talk to students and faculty about the economy. During the speech he stressed how important it was that any political debate should be centered around “facts,” not opinion or conjecture.
“I’ve laid out an agenda for what I think should happen to make us grow even better, grow even faster,” Obama told the crowd. “A true opposition party, should now have the courage to lay out their agenda, hopefully also grounded in facts.”
Obama meant it seriously, but the crowd laughs anyway, because — let’s face it — the idea that the repugican cabal would be open to an honest and forthright debate of facts rather than fear-mongering and feigned outrage is, at this point, a punchline.
Obama pointed out that there seems to be a lot less repugicans screaming about the deficit or the terrors of Obamacare because in both cases, the reality was undeniably less gloomy than conservatives had predicted. And he couldn’t help taking a dig at Faux News — the network most committed to terrifying its audience with outlandish nightmare scenarios about the Obama administration’s policies.
While good affordable health care might seem like a fanged threat to the freedom of the American people on Faux News, it turns out it’s working pretty well in the real world.
Even that modest joke at Faux News’ expense was offensive to Van Susteren. On her personal blog, she penned an article titled, “This is embarrassing for President Obama – juvenile and so un-Presidential.”
He should be setting a good example to college students – he should be Presidential, not petty.
And he is looking petty – picking a fight with Faux News with his cracks. That is so childish.
Has she looked in the mirror lately? Or bothered to watch anything on the network that she, herself, works for?
This is not fake. This really happened.
This is not fake. This really happened.
In the most recent example in a six year long chain of examples to choose from, the network spent a week of airtime criticizing Obama for holding a coffee cup in his hand when he saluted a marine. The “latte salute,” as it was dubbed, was scrutinized and mocked by the network endlessly.
The “fair and balanced” network called up Karl “No Shame” Rove to get his take on this, clearly extremely important, story and he was ready:
After all, we’ve got a chai-swillin’, golf-playin’, basketball trash-talkin’, leadin’-from-behind, I-got-no-strategy, Osama-bin-Laden-is-dead, GM-is-alive, community-organizin’ commander-in-chief.
This, it should be noted, all during the day in which President Obama was at the United Nations laying out his plans to stop the expanding power of ISIL in the Middle East and to further America’s commitment to fighting climate change. Both very serious issues with profound consequences for our lives and our nation. Given the choice between substance and trivial potshots, Fox chose the latter.
The fact of the matter is that Faux News has become so unhinged from reality in the six years since Obama took office, that they can now serve as an easy stand-in for all irrational rhetoric that gets in the way of facts and solutions. When Obama jokes that Faux News is fear-mongering and delusional, the crowd laughs because at this point it’s undeniably true. Van Susteren should address her blog post first to her fellow hacks not the White House. If she wants people to stop picking on her network, she needs to start by helping to make it not the laughing stock of 'news' organizations.

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