Monday, October 6, 2014

Nearly Four Times More People Signed Up For Obamacare Than Watch Faux News

Faux News and their viewers like to pound their chests and tout their success, but Faux can’t hold a candle to Obamacare. Nearly four times as many people have signed up for Obamacare than watch Faux News.
Faux News had a record setting third quarter in 2014. The wingnut 'news' network was the most watched channel on all of cable. 1.77 million people watched Faux News’ primetime lineup. 1.045 million people watched Faux News during the day. Faux News grew 10% in total viewers over the same period in 2013. Cable news viewership overall continued to plunge as Faux News, CNN, and MSNBC combined attracted under 3 million primetime viewers.
Wingnuts love to tout the success of Faux News as proof that America is a wingnut nation, but Faux can’t hold a candle to the success of the Affordable Care Act. 7.3 million people have enrolled in the ACA. All total the law is estimated to be providing 26 million Americans with access to affordable healthcare.
The vaunted number one lineup in primetime cable news is roughly four times smaller than the amount of people who have gotten private health insurance policies from Obamacare. About 26 times more people overall have access to healthcare than watch Faux News’ primetime lineup.
Faux News is tiny compared to Obamacare. Faux is loud. It influences the repugican cabal and the mainstream media, but the top cable news network is a small fish compared to the Affordable Care Act. This simple comparison puts into context how successful the ACA has been. It also makes it easy to understand that Faux News’ cable 'dominance' is small potatoes when compared to what’s happening in the real world.
The wingnut fantasy that Faux News pumps into a few million television screens is nothing compared to what Democrats have accomplished for tens of millions of people. The Faux News campaign to demonize the ACA has marched on for years, but exponentially more Americans have embraced the ACA than Faux News has viewers.
The math is on the side of the Democrats. Faux News is a puny fish in an ever shrinking pond. The hot air on Faux News is no match for the real world results of President Obama’s Affordable Care Act.

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