Monday, November 24, 2014

After Immigration Speech repugicans Admit That Obama’s Got Them By The Balls

Obama laughing
Behind the scenes, repugicans are not feeling too good about Obama’s executive action on immigration. They say they feel like Obama has them by the balls, according to MSNBC political correspondent Kasie Hunt.
Let us detail why repugicans feel like President Obama has them by the balls.
First, what the President did was legal.
Second, what the President did has long precedent behind it.
Third, repugicans don’t care about facts or legality, so they planned on simply defunding Obama’s executive actions while still funding the government but they found out today that they can’t do that. It turns out they are not in charge of funding for immigration actions.
Fourth: repugicans have told everyone that Obama should be impeached for doing something legal. Some of them even said he should be in prison. So now they sort of have to do something or they look pretty weak. But they can’t really do anything and maintain a semblance of pretense about being a party that can govern.
But hey, they built this problem. Please proceed, repugicans.

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