Monday, November 24, 2014

Editorial Comment

We here at Carolina Naturally work tirelessly to bring you news, items of interest and to shed light on the darkness and on things that n'er-do-wells wish to remain hidden. As a result of this we are continuously harangued and harassed by those same said n'er-do-wells.
Now that the wingnuts have had their last hurrah with the theft of the recent elections the harassment -as expected - has leaped ten fold, but we ignore it all the same.
We say '"their last hurrah" because that is what it is ... and it lasted all of 12 hours or so, give or take. The lunatic fringe's delusional fantasy of  'a 100 year majority' went down in flames even before they have taken their stolen majority into session. When their 'majority' does seat in session after the first of the year everything they are dreaming of doing is already dead on arrival ... the Liberals will not allow anything that does not benefit the poor and middle class to pass Congress and the President will veto any legislation that still has questions about it's help for the poor and middle class that does get through and the repugicans do not have the votes to override a veto ... all the 'helpful' legislation the repugicans have designed to appear to benefit the poor and middle class but in reality only benefit the wealthy (as par for the course with repugicans) will never make it to the president for a veto.
While we are driving the lunatic fringe even further over the ledge here in the Good Ol' USA, we have had a explosion in readership from all over the world and especially from places where the truth is frowned upon by small minds in government and religious cults (and in some places those are one and the same). It seems that the old adage about the 'truth always wins' is not so far-fetched a concept as some are wont it to be. It may take a long and convoluted trip, but the truth does win in the end ... and the sooner those attempting to deny the truth accept this the better the world shall be.
Carolina Naturally's success may be attributed to our steadfast upholding of the truth but we write the posts to be read at an eighth grade level and we believe that is one of the main contributing factors to our burgeoning foreign readership - non-English and non-American English (i.e., Brits, Aussies, Kiwis, etc.) speaking people seem to find it easier to read than if we wrote the posts at a post graduate level.
And no we will not lower the grade level we write the posts at to allow the vast majority of wingnuts to read the posts (we have enough of them reading Carolina Naturally as it is), besides we cannot write on a first grade level as it is we have to curtail our normal use of the English language, verbiage and syntax to keep it at an eighth grade level.

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