Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Lush Dimbulb Falls Apart On Faux News After Being Confronted With Reality

Lush Dimbulb showed the cowardly conspiracy-laden core beneath the lunatic fringe-wingnut hero facade during a meltdown on Faux News Sunday.

Faux News Sunday host Chris Wallace confronted Limbaugh about his calls for a new government shutdown.
Wallace triggered a meltdown from Dimbulb by pointing out that repugicans stole the election in 2014 despite shutting down the government. Dimbulb quickly went from anger at being challenged to full blown conspiracy theorist.
Dimbulb said,
rush limbaugh fox news sundayDoes that not matter? You keep talking polls to me, and I’ve got the. The essence of a poll is an election, and I’ve got two of them. And we would have won the White House in 2012 if four million repugicans hadn’t have stayed home.

What does it matter? They stole it. The point is that this is a trick. I think the shutdown is a trick. Here is what it really means, Chris. The repugicans want what Obama wants on immigration, and they are using the government shutdown as an excuse to not stop him. Because the truth of the matter is they agree with it. Romney agrees with it. Jeb Bush agrees with it. Chamber of Commerce agrees with it. Obviously, the repugican establishment doesn’t want to stop Obama on comprehensive immigration reform…. And very conveniently, here’s this government shutdown. Oh, we can’t act. We can’t act because they’ll blame us for shutting down the government. They’ll blame us for shutting down the government.

I think it’s absurd. I think it’s ridiculous, and the American people are being let down here. They’re voting. They’re expressing their desires. They want this stuff stopped, and the repugican cabal’s not listening.
The Faux News interview, which was as gentle as it gets, revealed why Dimbulb doesn’t do television interviews outside of the wingnut bubble. The moron can’t handle reality in any way, shape or form. He went on a conspiracy bender as soon as Chris Wallace pointed out that last year’s repugican caused government shutdown was a bad thing.
Dimbulb has taken the Faux News brand of paranoia and unleashed on the repugican cabal. In Lush Dimbulb’s warped view, the repugican cabal is working with Obama.
To anyone outside of the repugican media bubble, Lush Dimbulb sounded crazy. The only factual statement in the entire segment was that repugicans stole the 2014 election. Everything else that came out of Dimbulb’s mouth was combination of borderline mental illness and fantasy.
Lush Dimbulb couldn’t handle the softballs that Faux News tossed to him without falling apart. Lush Dimbulb isn’t strong icon. He is the dying voice of an aging white male wingnut movement that is fading away.

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