Wednesday, December 10, 2014

The repugicans Say Obama Should Be Stripped Of Right To Use Air Force One

by Jameson Parker
The repugicans hate Obama. They hate him so much that they've lost all perspective. In the red mist that falls over their eyes when thinking about the President of the United States, they are now advocating the near-total destruction of the executive branch if it means Barack Obama may be inconvenienced for the next two years - and hinder the government's functionality for the rest of time. They think that's a fair trade.
In the screeching hissy fit the repugican cabal is throwing over Obama's actions on immigration - just the latest in a long line of mis-perceived slights that wingnuts have responded to with characteristically overblown emotional reactions - the party has made it clear that the next two years will be extremely personal. A vendetta that has been simmering for six years will finally be enacted with the new found strength in numbers after a strong midterm showing.
If you voted for repugicans in your state and assumed that when they took the House and Senate they would get down to business and start legislating, consider this: rather than writing up bills or discussing pending legislation, the idea of cutting funding to Air Force One so President Obama can't use it is being seriously considered by repugicans in Washington.
In fact, the number of ways to personally attack Obama reads like a sadist's guide to Medieval torture devices. Each politician has his or her preferred method.
The Washington Post reports:
Late Tuesday, Paul C. Broun (r-Ga.) called for Boehner to not invite Obama to deliver the State of the Union address next year. Tim Huelskamp (r-Kan.) suggested that the budgets for White House operations, including for Air Force One, should be decreased. Other wingnuts have mentioned censuring the president, impeaching him or suing the administration over its immigration actions.
"I'd rather defund Air Force One," Huelskamp said. "Congress took a 19 percent cut on its budgets - we should do the same for the White House." On the State of the Union, he added: "In the spirit of George Washington, he could send it to us in writing. It'd save some time."

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