Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Arachnophobic doctor caused fatal car crash after spider fell in her lap

A woman doctor accidentally killed an 87-year-old man when a spider landed on her lap as she drove her sports car. Arachnophobic Dr Amy Elizabeth Walpole, 38, from Penymynydd, near Llanelli, Wales, was at the wheel of her red Mazda MX5 when the spider fell from the sun visor - and a court heard it sent her into a "blind panic". The GP, who is terrified of spiders, was seen waving her arms frantically before smashing into the oncoming car of pensioner John Evans.
Prosecutor Vaughan Pritchard Jones said: "Walpole gave an explanation that a spider had dropped from the sun-visor landing in her lap. She has a fear of spiders and tried to throw it out of the window, as a result of the situation with a loss of concentration she drifted across the road causing the collision." Mr Evans died the day after the collision which happened at around 9am on November 11, 2013 between Carway and Pontyates on the B4317 in Carmarthenshire. Dr Walpole, who practices at Meddygfa'r Sarn in Pontyates, was driving towards Pontyates and Mr Evans had been in the other lane driving his white Alto Suzuki towards Carway.
John Allchurch, defending, told the court Dr Walpole was "terrified" of spiders and suffered from arachnophobia. He said: "It was a large spider which she was terrified of and tried to flick out of the window." Dr Walpole pleaded guilty to death by careless driving. The court heard careful driver Mr Evans suffered fractures and damage to his heart. He was able to walk from his car to an ambulance but died the following day. Judge David Powells paid tribute to victim Mr Evans as a well respected local man "who drove with confidence and caution".
Sentencing Dr Walpole at Llanelli magistrates court, he said: "What we are dealing with is a tragic accident. The witness account of seeing arms waving around was consistent with what you had said and your arachnophobia." Judge Powells said there were no aggravating circumstances such as irresponsible driving. He told the court: "This is not a case for prison, it is a case for a community order." Mr Evans's family asked for Dr Walpole to be dealt with leniently as they were aware of her "good reputation" as a GP. Judge Powells banned Walpole from driving for 12 months, ordered her to carry out 80 hours of community service, pay court costs of £85 and a £60 victim surcharge.

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