Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Stormtrooper Armor Saves 'Star Wars' Fan from Deadly Snake Bite

If you’re not wearing stormtrooper armor right now, you must have a death wish. Scott Loxley was on Wednesday and that’s why he’s still alive.
Loxley is currently walking across Australia in stormtrooper armor to raise money for a children’s charity. Last week, he had just departed the town of Yalboroo, Queensland when a King Brown snake tried to bite him. This deadly predator has the largest venom output of any known snake. Only one thing saved Loxley from its fangs: his armor. ABC News reports:
"He's lunged at me and bit me but the good news is the armor, he bit me in the shin, the armor actually protected me and stopped the bite," Mr Loxley said.
Thankfully, the force of the bite was not enough to penetrate the armor.
"I could feel the teeth on the plastic scraping but the armor actually stopped something," he said.
"So all those people who rag on the old stormtroopers, 'you know, the armor doesn't do this, it doesn't do that' … it stopped the snake bite and probably saved my life today."

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