Friday, February 20, 2015

Here’s That Time George Carlin Told a repugican cabal agitator to His Face Who the Real ‘Fascists’ Are

We really miss George Carlin.
Along with his brilliant comedic career, the man was famous for saying things that other people simply weren’t willing to say. As he proved in his later years, he was just as good on a discussion panel as he was on stage with a microphone.
About three years before he died, Carlin appeared in this 2005 segment from Real Time with Bill Maher, where the discussion eventually led to Hurricane Katrina and the shrub’s abysmal response to the disaster – which mostly affected poor people of color.
As wingnut hack James K. Glassman defended the then-current junta ’s response, Carlin dropped a truth bomb on who the real “fascists” are.
“It shouldn’t be a surprise that rich white men don’t care about poor black people, period,” Carlin started out, directly addressing Glassman. “They’re not high on your list.”
“Just listen for minute – learn a little something,” Carlin continued. “Elections are in place in order to give Americans the illusion that they have freedom of choice.”
“The real looting in this country takes place in the transfer of wealth from the poor to the rich,” Carlin concluded.
“The poor have been systematically looted in this country, and the rich have been made richer, under this criminal, fascist Pretender and his government.”
Watch the entire segment in the video below:

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