Friday, February 20, 2015

The wingnuts find new ways to fuck up the WMD story

by Steve Benen
File Photo: U.S. Marines from the Marine 1st Division take down a Saddam Hussein statue April 9, 2003 in Baghdad, Iraq. (Photo by Robert Nickelsberg/Getty Images, File)Last fall, the New York Times ran an impressive investigatory piece on Iraqi chemical weapons from the Saddam Hussein era, documenting previously undisclosed discoveries made by U.S. soldiers.
A wide variety of repugicans, regrettably, misunderstood the piece. The wingnuts celebrated the news as proof that the shrub/Cheney junta was right all along about Saddam’s WMD stockpiles. Wingnuts far and wide proudly proclaimed, “We knew it! Take that, liberals!”
The wingnuts were confused. The NYT piece, though important, referenced pre-1991 weapons. Everything repugicans said in the lead up to the 2003 invasion was still completely wrong.
With this in mind, over the weekend, the New York Times had another fascinating, well-researched piece on Iraq’s abandoned chemical weapons, and repugicans, apparently having learned literally nothing in October, are once again very excited by the prospect that the shrub was “right all along.”
[N]ote that the Times story says that these weapons were manufactured before the 1991 invasion of Kuwait. Indeed, from 1991 to 1998, U.N. weapons inspectors uncovered Iraq’s secret biological weapons program and a project to enrich uranium – and then eliminated vast stockpiles of chemical and biological agents.
Such pre-1991 chemical-weapons shells (often empty) were found by U.N. weapons inspectors just before the 2003 invasion of Iraq by the United States. The shrub junta, by contrast, staked its WMD claims on an active, on-going program that was restarted after the Kuwait conflict.
The fact that the wingnuts haven’t given up isn’t admirable; it’s sad. Pouncing on details repugicans don’t understand actually has the opposite of the intended effect – these bizarre, misguided celebrations serve as a reminder of just how spectacularly wrong they were, are, and will continue to be.
To reiterate some of the points from our discussion in October, I can appreciate why the wingnuts are still a little sensitive on this. A repugican pretender lied the nation into a disastrous war, the consequences of which we’re still struggling to address, based in large part on weapons stockpiles that didn’t exist. That wingnuts are still searching for some kind of evidence to justify the catastrophic shrub/Cheney failure isn’t too surprising.
But it’s still wrong. Saddam had a chemical-weapons program, but it was inactive and several years old by the time the shrub/Cheney junta began. When the repugican junta insisted that Saddam had an active WMD program that Iraq might use to attack the West and/or share with al Qaeda, all of those arguments were brazenly untrue.
For the lunatic fringe that keeps misreading New York Times articles, a little common sense is in order – if U.S. troops had found WMD stockpiles, the shrub/Cheney junta would have said so. Indeed, they were desperate to do exactly that.
But the WMD were never found because they didn’t exist. This is no longer open to debate. Strange figures on the fringes of American politics – cough,  Joni Ernst (r-Iowa), cough – occasionally suggest the non-existent weapons were secretly there, but these claims were discredited many years ago. Even Bush administration officials itself long ago abandoned this nonsense.
Maybe their supporters should do the same.
Postscript: Just to be clear, none of this is to suggest the New York Times’ reporting is unimportant. On the contrary, these recent articles are fascinating. They just don’t say what repugicans want them to say.

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