Monday, March 2, 2015

Fleeing War, a Syrian Family Makes a New Home in North Carolina

A family of seven, driven from their country by violence, is building a new life in Greensboro with help from the U.S. government, resettlement workers, and volunteers.
Picture of a family of Syrian refugees outside their home in Greensboro, North Carolina
The Al Haj Kasem family, which fled the violence in Syria three years ago, is building a new life in the United States. Hussein and his wife, Aysha, stand outside their rented bungalow in Greensboro, North Carolina, with four of their five children (left to right): Ahmed, Fatima, Zahra, and Albatoul. The baby, Mohammad, was napping when this portrait was taken.
The Al Haj Kasem family gathers for breakfast just after six in the morning. There are cereal, jam, yogurt, pita bread, olive oil, and a blend of herbs called za'atar.

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