Monday, March 2, 2015

Republican Congressman: ‘Sometimes I believe Republicans live in an unreal world’

by Egberto Willies 
Peter King slams Republicans about funding Department of Homeland Security
The Department of Homeland Security fiasco continues as Republicans continue to play games with the security of the American people. According to the Huffington Post,
The upper chamber voted 98-2 on a procedural hurdle that would pave the way for a “clean” funding bill to be brought to the floor, following a deal announced by Senate Democratic leaders earlier in the day. Only Sens. Jim Inhofe (R-Okla.) and Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.) voted against moving forward with the agreement, which would fund DHS without any measures to block President Barack Obama’s 2014 executive actions on immigration.
If the Senate passes the bill it will be up to Speaker John Boehner to decide if he will allow a vote on a clean bill disassociated from the President’s executive action on immigration. In the press conference above Minority Leader made it clear that he will not allow anything but a clean bill to get through the Senate. He said he has heard many rumors that the House will return the fully funded DHS bill and send it back with many riders.
“It is a waste of time,” said Senator Harry Reid. “We will not allow a conference to take place. It won’t happen.”
Speaker John Boehner in the interview above continued to push for connecting the President’s Immigration Executive order to DHS funding. He claimed that Republicans were united on the issue. Really? Congressman Peter King (R-NY) did not concur.
“It is absolute insanity for Republicans if we don’t vote on the clean bill,” Congressman Peter King said. “If the Senate send’s us a clean bill, we have an absolute obligation not just a political obligation but a moral obligation to vote on that. To be defunding the Department of Homeland Security at a time when the terror threats are greater now than at anytime since 9/11. To me it’s just living in, it’s a fantasy world, a delusional world. … Sometimes I think that the Republicans are living in an unreal world.”
Sensible Republicans need to speak up. They have been quiet for too long as their party has been taken over by radical extremist ideologues.

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