Sunday, April 19, 2015

92-Year Old Woman Rams Mugger with Her Mobility Scooter

Margaret Seabrook is 75. Eileen Mason is 92. They live in Swindon, Wiltshire, UK. Both of them use mobility scooters. The two ladies were returning home from a lunch club meeting when a mugger tried to grab Seabrook’s possessions in the basket of her scooter.
Ms. Mason said, “Oh, no you don’t,” throttled her mobility scooter, and rammed the mugger as hard as she could. The Daily Telegraph reports what happened next:
The would-be thief was knocked to the ground before the great-grandmothers, both of Swindon, Wiltshire, sped off. […]
"Something in me just told me to turn so I squeezed the accelerator and turned and he went flying. He was so evil looking. We go to the lunch club every week on our scooters and nothing like this has ever happened before.
"We went through the war and all the bombings. We won't let a weasel like that hold us back. I would stand up for myself again if I needed to, but hopefully I won't need to. We will carry on as normal though - he hasn't put us off."

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