Friday, May 1, 2015

12 Unusual City Slogans on Welcome Signs

This is the sign that welcomes you to the small town of Rennie, Manitoba. The village authorities who came up with this certainly had a sense of humor -and aspirations of someday having something worth bragging about. The people of some small towns are really good at poking fun at themselves, making you want to visit for that reason alone. Years ago, I commuted between Jackson and Paris, Tennessee, every day for a few weeks, which is a good hour’s drive each way. I’d pass the sign welcoming drivers to the town of Henry that said, “If you lived in Henry, you’d be home now.” It always made me think about moving to Henry, even though you could barely tell there was a town there. Oddee has a roundup of a dozen such memorable signs that riff on the town’s name, personality, or even its (lack of) size.

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