Friday, May 1, 2015

27 Places in the U.S. That Some Foreign Travelers are Wild About

Whitaker Point, Arkansas
When we who live in the United States make U.S. travel plans to visit places we've never been, we inevitably make them based in part on our preconceived notions. Whether they are drawn from media, word of mouth or other sources, our many impressions guide us.
Yet people from other countries generally don't have as many preconceived opinions from state-to-state as U.S. citizens, because naturally, they are more lacking in information via word-of-mouth testimonials and geography-based cultural stereotypes. Such a lack of information can be liberating. One who travels with an open mind is the one who most benefits.
In that vein, take a look at these 27 places in the United States that foreign travelers favor. Some of them might not be places that immediately come to our minds as travel destinations, but they are filled with gorgeous natural attractions that everyone can enjoy, no matter their nationality or life experience.

Watkins Glen State Park, New York

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