Thursday, May 14, 2015

Woman accused of putting skin from her feet in family’s milk

A woman from Mechanicsville. Maryland, was arrested last week for allegedly contaminating milk served to family members at her home with shavings of dead skin from her feet.
Sarah P. Schrock, 56, was jailed on Wednesday in lieu of 10 percent of $10,000 bond on the food contamination charge, and committing a second-degree assault on Jessica Whitney Hurry and Allison Depriest during the incident on Monday at the residence off Golden Beach Road.
Schrock was alone at the home that day until Hurry and Depriest arrived at dinner time, and they were drinking the milk when Depriest began choking and coughed up what looked like dead human skin, according to court papers filed by St. Mary’s sheriff’s deputy Jaime Davis. Hurry also gagged, court papers state, and a witness found dead skin shavings in the milk after pouring it into a strainer.
Hurry told police that the suspect has dry feet because of diabetes, and that she “has trays in her room with the same kind of dead skin shavings that had come off of her feet,” according to a statement of probable cause filed by the deputy. Schrock, found at a motel room in Charlotte Hall, “denied having any involvement” in putting anything in the family’s milk, court papers state. She also was charged with violating a protective order issued last week requiring that she have no contact with Hurry.

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