Thursday, May 14, 2015

Would-be Superman fined for not wearing a seat-belt

A man who pulled out his best Superman moves on a motorway in Spain, by hanging half his body out of a car window, has been fined for not wearing his seat-belt, as has the driver of the car used in the stunt.
The driver, from Cantabria, was also fined for dangerous driving, as well as endangering the lives of himself and other road users and not properly taking care of the passengers in his car.
The stunt took place near the town of Los Corales in northern Spain. In the video, the backseat passenger leans his upper body out of the window, his arm outstretched. He knocks on the driver’s window and asks for directions to Corales, which the driver tells him is "over there".

After the video came to the attention of local police they opened an investigation to find the stuntman who were finally tracked down on Thursday morning. The passengers are firemen from Corales and although they were not on duty at the time, Cantabria’s emergency services are thinking about taking disciplinary action against the men.

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