Monday, June 8, 2015

Brewery boss fired for drunk driving

Till Hedrich, head of the German subsidiary of the world's largest beer brewing company, has lost his job just five months in after he caused a traffic accident while under the influence.
Hedrich may not have organized a piss-up at his own actual brewery to celebrate his new job, but he definitely got drunk somewhere. In fact, in late April he got so drunk that he ended up causing a traffic accident while driving under the influence.
The company, which produces globally-known brands such as Beck's and Hasseröder, said that it had fired Hedrich after he reported the incident himself . "Our internal policy treats alcohol at the wheel with zero tolerance," a spokesperson for AB Inbev said.
"It emphasizes professional consequences for ignoring it. Alcohol is not a drink which has a place before driving a vehicle. That's why the company was shocked by Hedrich's actions. In his position he's expected to be a role model."

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