Monday, June 8, 2015

Woman attacked boyfriend after he refused to get cuddly

A Florida woman is facing a domestic violence charge for allegedly biting, scratching, and hitting her live-in boyfriend when he declined to kiss and cuddle with her, police report. Danielle Houle, 39, was arrested last week for the alleged 2:30am attack inside the Vero Beach home of Jacob Burns, whom Houle has dated for about a year.
According to police reports, Houle “wanted to be affectionate and attempted to kiss” her 42-year-old beau, who declined. Burns’s sister told a sheriff’s deputy that Houle tried to get “cuddly” with Burns. In response to her amorous advances being rebuffed, Houle allegedly attacked Burns.
A deputy reported observing dried blood on Burns’s shirt, scratches on his head and neck, and a “large bite mark on the back of his upper left arm which was red, yellow and bruised.” Houle subsequently told an investigator that she "had been drinking and could not recall what had occurred” on May 25.
Houle was charged with misdemeanor domestic battery (she spent a day in jail before being released on $1,000 bond). She is also facing a probation violation charge since she is currently serving a five-year probation term stemming from a felony conviction for a drunk driving accident causing serious injury. Houle spent five years in prison on that prior case.

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