Saturday, February 6, 2016

Pet shop staff taught how to give the kiss of life to dogs and cats

Pet shop workers are learning how to give animals the ‘kiss of life’ in a pioneering first aid course. Staff from Pets Corner are being taught CPR for dogs and cats, along with how to save choking and poisoned animals and those injured in road accidents and fights.
The day-long session is the first ever ‘pet and human first aid training course’ in the country, the company said. It is being given to 600 employees across the UK this month. Half a day is devoted to human first aid, while the second half focuses specifically on injured and suffering animals.
Lucy Ross, head of training at Pets Corner, said: “At Pets Corner we have always strived to apply a genuine and ethical approach to everything we do and this includes having the best trained staff in the industry. As well as our human customers we also welcome animals into our stores so it makes sense that our staff’s first aid knowledge extends beyond the standard expectations.
"It’s our mission to provide all of our staff with the tools and knowledge they need to feel confident in helping both pets and people and for our customers to always be in safe hands when they visit any of our shops.” The company, which has over 100 stores nationwide, teamed up with First Aid Support Training and The Canine First Aid Company to develop the specially-tailored course.

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