Friday, November 14, 2008

One-forty and growing

140 Countries

Carolina Naturally has readers in 140 of the world's 196 countries ... that's 71.4% of the world.


Singing the same old tune

This is why he is known as Lush Dimbulb for the last twenty odd years:

If you have been listening to Lush since the election you need your cranial space jack-hammered to break up the concrete filling it, it place of the gray matter that normal humans have, but I digress.

So with his current mewling and outright screeching lies daily proving he is an idiot and possibly more of an idiot than previously thought - and that is saying something - I thought you might like to return to yesteryear and get a perspective on him ...

"And now the liberals want to stop President Reagan from selling chemical warfare agents and military equipment to Saddam Hussein, and why?
Because Saddam allegedly gassed a
few Kurds in his own country.
Mark my words.
All of this talk of Saddam Hussein being a
war criminal or committing crimes against humanity is the same old thing - liberal hate speech. And speaking of poision gas, I say we round up all the drug addicts and gas them."

~ Rush Limbaugh, November 3, 1988

Kind of telling isn't it?!

Twenty-three Hundred

And they said it couldn't be done!

'They' are always saying things like that.

Host of Spam Groups Is Blocked From Internet Access.

The volume of junk e-mail sent worldwide may have dropped drastically yesterday after a Web-hosting firm, identified by many in the computer security community as a major host of organizations engaged in spam activity, was taken offline.

McColo, a San Jose Web-hosting company that, according to computer security experts, serves as a U.S. staging ground for international firms that sell a variety of items, including counterfeit pharmaceuticals and child pornography, ceased operations after two Internet providers blocked Web access.

SecureWorks, an Atlanta security-services provider, estimates that McColo was responsible for 75 percent of all spam sent in the United States each day.

And now, for something completely different ...

Betcha didn't see that coming did ya.

Well, how about this ...

Ya gotta love it!

Lucid Decapitation

From the "Things that make you go Hummmm" Department:
 Content GuillotineIn the heyday of the guillotine during the French Revolution, it is said that many of the condemned were asked to blink for as long as possible after decapitation. While many reportedly did not blink at all, some complied for as long as thirty seconds. Still other observations describe much more specific reactions to stimuli following beheading. Consider the case of Languille, a convicted murderer who was guillotined in France. He was observed by Dr. Beaurieux during his execution at 5:30am on June 28th, 1905.
As written in Archives d'Anthropologie Criminelle, here are the doctor's observations:

Here, then, is what I was able to note immediately after the decapitation: the eyelids and lips of the guillotined man worked in irregularly rhythmic contractions for about five or six seconds … I waited for several seconds. The spasmodic movements ceased.

The face relaxed, the lids half closed on the eyeballs, leaving only the white of the conjunctiva visible, exactly as in the dying whom we have occasion to see every day in the exercise of our profession, or as in those just dead.

It was then that I called in a strong, sharp voice: 'Languille!' I saw the eyelids slowly lift up, without any spasmodic contractions … Next Languille's eyes very definitely fixed themselves on mine and the pupils focused themselves … After several seconds, the eyelids closed again, slowly and evenly, and the head took on the same appearance as it had had before I called out.

Russian Orthodox church stolen - brick by brick

This is too funny ...

Wanted: One missing Russian church.
Last seen in July.
Reward for its return.

Orthodox officials in a central Russian region say an abandoned church building that was to be put back into use has been stolen by local villagers.

Orthodox priest Vitaly of the Ivanovo-Voskresenskaya diocese said officials last saw the two-story Church of Resurrection intact in late July. Sometime in early October, however, people from the nearby village of Komarovo, northeast of Moscow, dismantled the building, he said.

Villagers apparently sold it to a local businessman, one ruble (about 4 cents) per brick, Vitaly said. Orthodox priests use only one name.

"Of course, this is blasphemy," he said. "These people have to realize they committed a grave sin."

Vitaly said police were investigating the theft.

The 200-year-old building, which no longer had its icons and other religious valuables, was a school for disabled children during the Soviet era before it was closed down in 1998 and turned over to the church.

Vitaly said the diocese was thinking of reopening it for services.

The Orthodox church has experienced a major resurgence in Russia and has restored or built thousands of churches.

In poorer, rural regions, vandals or petty thieves regularly steal gilded icons or donations from churches and sell them for alcohol or drugs.

One-o-one and tooling down the highway

An Ohio man got to take a trip back in time on his 101st birthday. Marvin Hertel wanted to go for a drive in an antique car, since he has fond memories of cranking up a Ford Model T back when he was a teenager in Illinois.

So, his social worker arranged for a 1936 Auburn Speedster to pick him up from his assisted living apartment in the Dayton suburb of Miamisburg.

Hertel said it was a "real treat."

Social worker Patricia Acker said she called the first vintage car listing she found in the phone book. She said president Dale Oakes of Euro Classics Automobiles in Dayton not only offered the car but also agreed to drive.

Hertel said it was a wonderful way to celebrate his birthday last Sunday.

Dumb Crook News

Robber threatens to complain after finding no cash

Police say a central Pennsylvania man tried to rob a bank - but tellers' empty cash drawers thwarted his attempt. Springettsbury Township Police Lt. Scott Laird said the tellers were waiting for their cash drawers to be filled when a man entered a Susquehanna Bank branch Thursday morning and demanded money. The first teller fainted and the next two showed him their empty cash drawers.

Laird says the robber then threatened to file a complaint with bank management before leaving.

A customer at the drive-through called 911. A 48-year-old man was arrested about 10 blocks away and was held in the York County Prison in lieu of $25,000 bail. He was charged with criminal attempt to commit robbery.

Into their cups

Man accused of urinating on arresting officer

A 35-year-old man faces charges after allegedly driving drunk and then urinating in the back of a squad car and on the arresting officer. A criminal complaint said the man was pulled over early Wednesday after an officer saw him driving erratically and striking a pole at a gas station.

The complaint said the man failed field sobriety tests and when he was being taken to the police station, urinated in the back of the squad car and sprayed the officer, hitting him in the back of the head.

The man is facing four felony charges and two misdemeanors. He faces a maximum of 15 years in prison if convicted.

The misdemeanors include a fourth-offense operating while intoxicated.

Trooper cites pair for DUI in single traffic stop

A Montana Highway Patrol trooper cited two men with drunken driving in one traffic stop. Trooper Darvin Mees stopped a suspected drunk driver Wednesday afternoon. While he had the driver out performing a field sobriety test, the passenger slid behind the wheel, started the truck and began to drive off.

Mees said he ran after the pickup and yelled at the driver to stop. He did.

Mees said the driver, a 24-year-old man and his passenger 22-year-old man, both failed field sobriety tests and were cited for drunken driving.

The traffic stop began with a bus driver's report of a suspected drunken driver.

Beer truck driver accused of driving drunk

A contract beer truck driver has been arrested on suspicion of drunken driving after his rig flipped over. Police said the man, 56, was eastbound on Colorado 58 about 7:30 p.m. Tuesday when he took an exit ramp for eastbound Interstate 70 too fast. The truck and its 45,000-pound trailer full of beer overturned.

Wheat Ridge police spokeswoman Lisa Stigall said the beer remained enclosed inside the trailer. Authorities had to remove the entire load in order for the trailer to be set upright.

The wreckage blocked the ramp until about 2:30 a.m. Wednesday.

No injuries were reported. Stigall says the man was booked and taken to a detoxification facility.

Dirty dancing' bans woman from hangout

From the "There are still idiots out there" Department:

Sadly there are still idiots out there who insist they know what is right for everyone and it is still 1957.

DATELINE ... Marshall, North Carolina

This small mountain town has agreed to pay $275,000 to a woman who was banned from a community hangout after residents complained about her dirty dancing.

Rebecca Willis, then 56, was told to stay away from the Marshall town community center eight years ago. According to court documents, she was accused of gyrating and simulating sexual intercourse with her partner while wearing a skirt so short it exposed her underwear.

Willis described her dance as “exuberant and flamboyant” but not obscene.

The American Civil Liberties Union of North Carolina Legal Foundation announced the settlement with the Madison County town on Thursday.

Willis is still not allowed to return to the refurbished train station where she once danced and socialized.

Socialism and the 'Bailout'

Of all the whacked-out and warped 'charges' raised by the repugicans during and after the election the charges of Socialism are the wackiest and most warped yet.
They howl that cutting taxes for the middle class is Socialism (obviously they fail to grasp the meaning of Socialism or what it truly is for that matter... but I digress).

If middle class tax cuts are Socialism, then so too, are top of the income tax cuts - something which would make raygun and the shrub America's biggest socialists.

Tax policy has nothing to do with socialism - under pure socialism there are no taxes - it is just another in a litany of smokescreens and mirrors the repugicans try to use to divert the public's attention away from their shenanigans ... something that will not work ever again.

Socialism is where government owns the companies that provide goods and services - the "means of production".

Treasury secretary Paulson announced that the government will not be buying up any "distressed assets" at all - the very thing the $700 Billion dollar "bailout" bill was sold to Congress and the American people to do.
Instead it will buy stock in financial institutions.
(Here is a hint for you clueless repugicans out there that is pure unadulterated socialism at its finest.)

Most of the initial $350 Billion has been spent already - with zero oversight - and not a single penny has been spent to help people stay in their homes or keep their distressed assets.
You know what - I am giving odds there won't be a single penny spent to help people stay in their homes or keep their distressed assets out of that entire $700 Billion.
You do know it will be gone before Obama takes office and more than likely it will end up being found somewhere on a certain 90-odd acres in Paraguay.

So tell me, where are Limbaugh, Hannity, Boorts, Cavuto, Beck, O'Reilly, Coulter, and the rest of America's "Guardians of Liberty" on this very real advent of Socialism coming straight out of a repugican junta?

Now, that's funny

A Texas farmer goes to Australia for a vacation.

There he meets an Aussie farmer and gets talking.
The Aussie shows off his big wheat field and the Texan says, "Oh! We have wheat fields that are at least twice as large."

Then they walk around the ranch a little, and the Aussie shows off his herd of cattle.
The Texan immediately says, "We have longhorns that are at least twice as large as your cows."

The conversation has, meanwhile, almost died when the Texan sees a herd of kangaroos hopping through the field. He asks, "And what are those?"

The Aussie replies with an incredulous look, "Don't you have any grasshoppers in Texas?"