Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Cleavge and the surprises it contains

An Ohio detective got a wild surprise when he interviewed a witness in a murder case.

Squirrel pops out of woman's shirt

Red, Hot and Chili

There's an art to the Carolinas' unique style of hot-dog chili.

BB&T executive charged with bank fraud

Investigators have charged a former BB&T executive with criminal bank fraud, saying he overpaid a contractor and accepted thousands of dollars in illegal kickbacks in return.

BB&T executive charged with bank fraud

Tips to avoid AC glitches

Tips to avoid AC glitches

These easy maintenance checks will keep the cool air coming during the hot summer months.

Tips to avoid AC glitches


Repugicans hate America ...

... And Democratic Elections

Election-law experts, supporters of campaign-finance regulations, and even some members of the commission itself are expressing growing concern about a string of cases in which the three repugicans on the commission -- led by Tom Delay's former ethics lawyer (I know, I know you can stop laughing now) -- have voted as a block against enforcement, preventing the commission from carrying out its basic regulatory function.

Even the normally mild-mannered Washington Post editorial board wrote recently: "the three repugican appointees are turning the commission into the little agency that wouldn't: wouldn't launch investigations, wouldn't bring cases, wouldn't even accept settlements that the staff had already negotiated."

Read more here

British Royal Bailout Looms As Queen's Bills Grow

The latest financial statements from Britain's royal family suggest that the next British institution needing a taxpayer bailout could well be the monarch herself.

British Royal Bailout Looms As Queen's Bills Grow

13th century shoe found in Magdeburg

Archaeologists have discovered a well-preserved sheepskin shoe dating to the 13th century at a dig near Magdeburg, Germany.

13th century shoe found in Magdeburg

Duct Tape Prom Attire Contest Enters Ninth Year

Despite what the DHS may want you to believe, duct tape has many other uses besides taping off your windows and doors in the event of a biological attack. In this case, it's Duck brand duct tape's 9th annual Duct Tape Prom Attire (both dress and suit) contest.

Full Story

Alzheimer's victim claims rape, can't remember details

Florida police have little to go on to solve an alleged rape case lodge by a woman suffering from Alzheimer's.

Full Story

Dead man gets 2nd jury duty summons

The North Carolina family of a man who died in 1995 said the deceased has received his second post-mortem jury duty summons.

Full Story

Doctors say more ovary transplants possible

Two new techniques to preserve and transplant ovaries might give women a better chance to fight their biological clocks and have children when they are older, doctors announced Monday.

Obamas grapple with daughters' photo ops

Obamas grapple with daughters' photo ops

Shielding Sasha and Malia hasn't been easy as photographers flock to catch their unscripted moments.

Obamas daughters' photo ops


Disorderly genius

Your brain is like a pile of sand, but don't worry: that's why it has such remarkable powers.

Monkey 'stock market' prone to fluctuations too

Monkey with food

Vervet monkeys have been found to trade commodities, such as food or sex, using grooming as cash – now it seems that "stock" values can go up or down

Science News

From BBC-Science:
Topographic map (Nasa)
The most complete terrain map, covering 99% of the Earth's surface, has been published and will be free to use.

Obama marks Paris milestone

Has statue in wax museum

Complete with new gray hairs and two fake bodyguards, a wax version of President Barack Obama took a trip Monday to the Eiffel Tower.

Full Story

Couple jailed for smuggling silver from Pennsylvania plant

A husband and wife have been jailed for smuggling $2.1 million worth of scrap silver out of a western Pennsylvania plant in their lunch boxes.

Couple jailed for smuggling silver

Former boxer, 72, beats burglar

A knife-wielding burglar got a shock when he attacked a pensioner in his home - a couple of right hooks to the face.

Full Story

Car crushed by a block of Ice

A shopper was left stunned after her motor was crushed by a block of ice as it stood in a supermarket car park.

Full Story

Dog-eaten passport cancels Wisconsin boy's trip to Peru

A Wisconsin teenager using a classic excuse for evading schoolwork missed a class trip to Peru despite his tale being true: The dog ate his passport.

Full Story

Woman takes kneeling woman's cash in church

Nassau County police said a congregant at a Long Island church disregarded at least one of its commandments: Thou shalt not steal.

Full Story

Man tries to rob hotel with a butter knife

Police arrested a man they said tried to rob a hotel around 6 p.m. on Sunday with a butter knife.

Full Story

And I Quote

An idea that is developed and put into action is more important than an idea that exists only as an idea.

~ Siddhartha Buddha

Liars and Fools

Liars and Fools: The Faux News edition

As Faux's Brick slices watermelon, Twerpen declares cap-and-trade bill "green on the outside, and inside it's deep, communist red"
Bad analogies are their specialty and this one is one of the worst.

Faux's Brick embarks on another ACORN smear-a-thon, this time with a heavy dose of Obama conspiracy theory
Paranoia runs deep in fantasy land - all is as usual there.

Faux Nation accuses Obama of treason
This from a nest of traitors - You have got to be kidding!

Faux's Handjob and More-Ass describe Obama as terrorist soulmate
This from two domestic terrorists, Oh, Brother!

New clues shed light on mysterious 1908 blast

New clues shed light on mysterious 1908 blast

Space shuttle launches and strange clouds may help explain what caused a huge ground-flattening explosion in Siberia.

Mysterious 1908 blast


Our Readers

Some of our readers today have been in:

Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
Florianopolis, Santa Catarina, Brazil
Puchong, Selangor, Malaysia
Munich, Bayern, Germany
Tripoli, Tarabulus, Libya
Avellino, Campania, Italy
London, England, United Kingdom
Moscow City, Moscow, Russia
Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Netherlands
Stuttgart, Baden-Wurttemberg, Germany
Paris, Ile-De-France, France
Calcutta, West Bengal, India
Weert, Limburg, Netherlands

Daily Horoscope

Today's horoscope says:

You've been trying to get a certain person to cooperate with you -- to act as elegantly and respectfully as you know they can.
The problem is that they may not be living up to your expectations, much less their own.
Your job now is to let go of how you think they should act and allow them to be who they are now, even if they're not achieving their potential, and even if you know it and they don't -- not an easy task, but a necessary one, if they're actually going to grow up.

But, they grow up so fast ... at least some of them do!

Monday, June 29, 2009

And they wonder why they are considered morons

This is why they are considered morons:

Cynthia Davis, a repugican state representative in Missouri, says hunger among children "can be a positive motivator".

Full Story

Why do children go hungry? Insane fools like Cynthia Davis that's why!

Wing Nut Yammering and Flap Doodle

Wing Nuts today include:

Dimbulb blames Obama for Sanford's affair
We have posted a complete story on this lunacy earlier, but include it in this listing as well.

CNBC's Cramer: "We got a little too much democracy in this country"
Ah! The truth has begun seeping through the loose seams. A Nazi reveals itself.

Disney's Savage says Obama orchestrated Ensign and Sanford's extramarital affairs
It is amazing how these clowns parrot themselves! And, are completely wrong while doing so. Just amazing.

Bachmann (reject-Minnesota) raises the issue of 'mental stability'
Oh, now this is rich, how someone who is demonstrably (irrefutably, I might add) mentally unstable should raise the 'mental stability' issue.

Gingrich (reptile-Georgia) compares Democratic leadership to the 'forces of darkness' in Iran and North Korea
Projecting again, I see. When it is the repugicans who are akin to the governments of Iran and North Korea in political philosophy and the way they conduct themselves.

Liars and Fools

Liars and Fools for the day are:

Neugebauer (retard-Texas): 'I don't know' if Obama is a citizen
Damn, this 'johnny one-note' song is getting overly tiresome. Obama is a citizen of the United States. However those who are still questioning reality might not be either by non-citizenship from birth or forfeiture of citizenship for treason.

Joe the Plumber (who's not a plumber) wonders why Chris Dodd (D-Connecticut) hasn't been lynched
Well, for one thing he is not a repugican. On top of that he hasn't done anything 'worthy of a lynching'.

National Review's McCarthy: "in principle Obama is fine with dictatorship"
Wrong, but that won't stop those that love a dictatorship from accusing a Democratically elected official of being a 'dictator'.

Disney's Savage says he'll publish "full pictures and other pertinent information about" the "Stalinists" at Media Matters
Oh, oh, he dosen't like being outed for what he is - a hate-filled psychotic sociopath - so he is lashing out at those who keep exposing him. Tough nuggets there 'savage'.

Internet hatemonger Turner is arrested again (second time in a month), this time for death threats against judges
Keep the insane maniac behind bars this time, folks - he is a danger to society.

WorldNetDaily's Farah launches crusade to find those who witnessed Obama's birth
Give me a break. Obama is a citizen and he is president of the United States. Deal with it.

Exxon To Pay $470M In Interest For 1989 Oil Spill

Oil giant Exxon Mobil Corp. has decided not to appeal hundreds of millions of dollars in interest on punitive damages resulting from the 1989 Exxon Valdez oil spill.

Exxon To Pay $470M In Interest For 1989 Oil Spill

Celebrity News

AMY WINEHOUSE has been banned from taking in any more stray dogs after furious resort management had to FUMIGATE her St Lucia home.

Dog ban for Winehouse

MOVIE star DIANE KEATON was rushed to hospital yesterday after injuring herself in a SUMO match.

Keaton hurt in sumo

Man crashes car during quarrel

Iowa Police said they arrested a Des Moines man after he reportedly lost his temper with his wife while they were traveling on Interstate Highway 235, wrenched the wheel from her and sent the car careening off the road.

Man crashes car during quarrel

Man's Wallet Returns After 63 Years

Bill Fulton doesn't remember losing his wallet, but its return helped him remember the past.

Man's Wallet Returns After 63 Years

Woman On Tracks To 'clear Her Mind' Hit By Train

Birmingham police said a 22-year-old woman has suffered a broken leg after being hit by a train.

Woman On Tracks To 'clear Her Mind' Hit By Train

Man electrocuted, killed picking mangoes

A Florida man was electrocuted in front of his wife Sunday morning when the long aluminum pole in his hands accidentally touched a high-voltage wire as he tried to knock down mangoes.

Full Story

Why adultery is political suicide

Call it residual puritanism or an overdose of religion if you want, but most Americans think wedding vows are not to be disdained.

Why adultery is political suicide

TV pitchman had heart disease

"OxiClean guy" Billy Mays likely died of a heart attack in his sleep, a medical examiner said Monday.

TV pitchman had heart disease


High court rules for white firefighters

The Supreme Court says white firefighters in New Haven, Conn., were unfairly denied promotions because of their race.

High court rules for white firefighters


Cheap ways to beat the heat

Cheap ways to beat the heat

Classic summer treats and tricks can help you stay cool right in your own backyard.

Cheap ways to beat the heat


Ruth Madoff breaks silence on husband's crimes

Ruth Madoff breaks silence on husband's crimes

Bernard Madoff's wife issues a statement on the day he is sentenced, responding to the rage directed at her.

Ruth Madoff breaks silence


Curfew imposed in Indian Kashmir after youth dies in police gunfire

A 20-year-old man was killed and nine people were injured Monday when security personnel fired at crowds protesting alleged police harassment in India-administered Kashmir, officials said.

Curfew imposed in Indian Kashmir

Thief tried to sell stolen lawnmover back to owner on eBay

From the "Crooks are stupid" Department:

A thief was arrested after he tried to sell a lawn mower online to the man he had stolen it from, police in Germany have said.

Thief tried to sell stolen lawnmover back to owner

Father arrested over 'name and shame child bully website' after claiming his son was attacked

A father has been arrested after he allegedly used a website to 'name and shame' 15 village children he claimed were bullies following an apparent attack on his son.

Full Story

Didn't he know bullies do not like to be called bullies ...

Good Samaritan stops to help at wreck - only to find victim was dying son

A Good Samaritan stopped to help at a wreck - and was horrified to find that the victim was his dying teenage son.

Full Story

Best day of the week for weight loss

Best day of the week for weight loss

You're most likely to stick to a fitness program if you kick-start it on this "trigger" day.

Best day of the week


Madoff may not have benefited most in scam

It is rare these days to see Bernard Madoff's name in print unaccompanied by the word "Ponzi." Yet recent allegations raise the possibility of one key difference between Madoff's crimes and those of legendary con artist Charles Ponzi. While Ponzi's scam was under way, Ponzi himself was its biggest beneficiary. It now appears that the biggest winner in Madoff's scheme may not have been Madoff at all, but a secretive businessman named Jeffry Picower.

Full Story

Our Readers

Some of our readers today have been in:

Tehran, Esfahan, Iran
Riyadh, Ar Riyad, Saudi Arabia
Panama City, Canal Zone, Panama
Glace Bay, Nova Scotia, Canada
Whitby, Ontario, Canada
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
London, England, United Kingdom
Dhaka, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Karachi, Sindh, Pakistan
Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Douglas, Isla of Mann, United Kingdom

Daily Horoscope

Today's horoscope says:

Letting your industrious side take the day off could prove challenging, but it'll mean a great deal to the family and friends who'd like your complete presence.
Whatever's going on at work will definitely be there tomorrow, while this day happens only once.
Get yourself busy and engaged in the moment -- appoint yourself official photographer, or sous chef for a celebratory meal, or make a point of having a good conversation with each and every person in the room.
Or do all three!


Sunday, June 28, 2009

Man allegedly tried to sell woman, 4 kids

A Mexican man has been detained for allegedly plotting to sell a young woman, two girls and two boys for $2,000 apiece in the United States, police said Sunday.

Man allegedly tried to sell woman, 4 kids

Dimbulb Spews

This is too funny!

Follow the hilarity of Lush Dimbulb as he spews.

He blames our president for causing Mark Sanford to have an affair. An affair that began BEFORE our president took office.

Caution: Listening to this insane turd will cause uncontrollable fits of guffaws, rib splitting gales of laughter and other hilarious spasms.

North Carolina Jade

The popular PBS series "Antiques Roadshow" set an appraisal record in Raleigh, when a collection of Chinese jade was valued at possibly more than $1 million.

Show publicist Erika Denn says the four pieces of jade from the period of 1736 to 1795 was valued at $710,000 to $1.07 million. That breaks the previous record of $500,000 set last year in Palm Springs, Calif., for a painting by abstract expressionist Clyfford Still.

An unidentified woman from eastern North Carolina owns the jade, which she brought to the show early Saturday morning.

Women Should Sing to Their Tomatoes. Guys Should Shut Up.

From Treehugger:

women plants talking photo
Photo: The Ewan via Flickr

We may live in society that stresses equality between the genders, but when it comes to gardening, women seem to have an upper larynx. According to a recent experiment by the Royal Horticultural Society in England, tomato plants grow faster when they are crooned at. The sung-to tomatoes grew two inches higher than their unserenaded counterparts. Female voices worked especially well for hasty tomato growth. Male voices, on the other hand, couldn’t make the tomatoes grow as quickly, and in some cases, low-voiced males were able to stunt the growth of the tomatoes by warbling at them. This must be why we throw rotten tomatoes at horrible singers. Wokka Wokka.

Article continues: Women Should Sing to Their Tomatoes. Guys Should Shut Up.

Faux News is at it again

Like clockwork Faux News showed Mark Sanford as a Democrat instead of the repugican that he is when the story of his affair broke after his 'mystery week' in Argentina.

When this was pointed out to the various wing-nuts and other assorted lunatics they responded in typical fashion of drooling baboons that they are, accusing all those who were pointing out the lie as un-American, the liars, etc., and soon and so forth on several forums on the web.

But the best 'calling'em like it is' I have read actually was sent to me via email from a friend. He did not name the author of this citation in his missive, but no matter, a great citation is a great citation:
For the most part, only morons watch Fox News and buy the Rightwing BS that they peddle and believe it to be fact.
There's a definite defect in the right-wing mindset.
Anyone who watches an 800 lb. ahole like Rush Limbaugh (for example) and thinks that the malarkey that he spews has any merit to it is, obviously, in serious need of neuroligical help.
Yet, these pompous imbeciles think that the problem in the U.S. is the left-wing.
Simply put, on Election Day, 2008, Intelligence voted for Barack Obama and Joe Biden, and stupidity voted for John McCain and Joe the Plumber.
Personally speaking, when given the choice between intelligence and stupidity, I always vote for intelligence.
But, getting back to the subject. Fox's audience has become as irrelevent as a pisshole in the snow.
Personally I world have used relevent in lieu of irrelevent as that denotes the relevence of a pisshole in the snow which as one knows is less than nothing. It is a great citation nonetheless.

Now, as to his hiking 'excuse': "I'm getting some Argentinian tail" sounds a lot like "I'm hiking the Appalachian trail", you know.

New clashes in Iran as standoff worsens

New clashes in Iran as standoff worsens

Witnesses say police used tear gas and clubs to break up a crowd of 3,000 protesters, and the European Union issues a harsh rebuke.

New clashes in Iran


HOT is spelled H-O-T-T-T-T

It is 93F outside right now and 93F inside right now!

Why is it always the way ... when the hottest weather hits the Air Conditioner throws up its hands and says "I give up."

Normally this would be no big deal, we would just call or son who wanted to work with his hands and chose HVAC twenty years ago and we would have cool air in a jiffy (or heat if it was cold).

But alas, my son is on vacation (and decided to stay an extra day, tomorrow) so his mother and I are sweating off a few extra pounds and enjoying the warm circulating air from the many fans in the house. Okay, so we aren't exactly 'enjoying it', but it has brought back memories of the time when we did not have air conditioning and why Iced Tea is a Southern Favorite!

We know what you're thinking - why not call someone else? True we could, but we would have to pay them ... with our son we get to keep the grandkids for a week (which is actually more expensive come to think of it) and get to keep our money as well.

Comics creator stopped by TSA for carrying script about writer under suspicion by TSA

Continually proving what idiots they are ...

Comics writer Mark Sable was detained and intensively questioned by the TSA for carrying a script for an upcoming comic book about a writer who is detained and intensively questioned by the TSA for writing a comic about terrorism.
"Flying from Los Angeles to New York for a signing at Jim Hanley's Universe Wednesday (May 13th), I was flagged at the gate for 'extra screening'. I was subjected to not one, but two invasive searches of my person and belongings. TSA agents then 'discovered' the script for Unthinkable #3. They sat and read the script while I stood there, without any personal items, identification or ticket, which had all been confiscated.

"The minute I saw the faces of the agents, I knew I was in trouble. The first page of the Unthinkable script mentioned 9/11, terror plots, and the fact that the (fictional) world had become a police state. The TSA agents then proceeded to interrogate me, having a hard time understanding that a comic book could be about anything other than superheroes, let alone that anyone actually wrote scripts for comics.

"I cooperated politely and tried to explain to them the irony of the situation. While Unthinkable blurs the line between fiction and reality, the story is based on a real-life government think tank where a writer was tasked to design worst-case terror scenarios. The fictional story of Unthinkable unfolds when the writer's scenarios come true, and he becomes a suspect in the terrorist attacks.

"In the end, I feel my privacy is a small price to pay for educating the government about the medium."

Mayor Barred From Posting On Town Web Site

Council members in a North Carolina town barred its mayor from posting the town's newsletter on its Web site, citing what they call his negative comments.

Mayor Barred From Posting On Town Web Site

She who taught the pope of love and sex

A just-published collection of letters ruminating on love and sex that represent a half-century of correspondence between Pope John Paul II and a dear, female friend has caught the Vatican by surprise and may slow the process of sainthood for one of the most revered and beloved pontiffs in modern history.

She who taught the pope of love and sex

Children of gay couples speak out

Jesse Levey is a repugican activist who says he believes in family values, small government and his lesbian mothers' right to marry.

TV pitchman Billy Mays found dead

TV pitchman Billy Mays found dead

The boisterous spokesman best known for hawking Orange Glo and OxiClean cleaning products was 50 years old.

TV pitchman Billy Mays found dead


Sun leaves Earth wide open to cosmic rays

The sun periodically leaves Earth open to assaults from interstellar nasties in a way that most stars do not.

Sun leaves Earth wide open to cosmic rays

Mars may hide secret water table

Water may be hidden beneath a rocky crust on Mars (Image: (G. Neukum) Fu Berlin/DLR/ESA)

The Red Planet could have a water table hidden underground, despite satellite data suggesting otherwise.

Mars may hide secret water table

Iran opposition rejects partial recount

Iran's opposition leaders have rejected a panel set up to hold a partial recount in the disputed presidential vote as political deadlock continued to grip the Islamic republic.

Iran opposition rejects partial recount

Soldiers arrest Honduran president

Soldiers have arrested the Honduran president and taken him to an air force base just before voting was to begin on a disputed constitutional election.

Honduran president arrested

Today's Birthdays

Today's Birthdays:

Blues singer-musician David "Honeyboy" Edwards is 94.
Comedian-movie director Mel Brooks is 83.

Today's Birthdays June 28

Pakistani forces kill 11 Taliban militants

Warplanes and helicopter gunships pounded suspected militant positions in Pakistan's troubled northwest on Sunday, killing 11 Taliban fighters, intelligence officials said.

Pakistani forces kill 11 Taliban militants

My Generation

The Who (on the Smothers Brothers TV show)

Cops Find Drugs After Thwarting Daycare Robbery

Police shot and wounded an armed man during a brazen robbery attempt at a day care center that functioned as a drug haven, with a trove of marijuana and more than $100,000 in cash in its basement, authorities said Saturday.

Cops Find Drugs After Thwarting Daycare Robbery

Iran detains local British embassy staff

Authorities in Tehran have detained eight local British embassy staff, Iranian media said on Sunday, underscoring the hard-line leadership's effort to blame post-election unrest on foreign powers, not popular anger.

Iran detains local British embassy staff

Daily Almanac

Today is Sunday, June 28, the 179th day of 2009 with 186 to follow.
The moon is waxing.

The Almanac - June 28

And I Quote

I wake up every morning at nine and grab for the morning paper.
Then I look at the obituary page.
If my name is not on it, I get up.

~ Benjamin Franklin

The insnane calling the sane, mentally ill

Normally we disdain from mentioning the mentally ill but when one that is clearly mentally ill - insane, actually - comes out with this horseshit we owe it to the world to expose their insanity.

Atheism is a Mental Illness, Says Creationist

Full Story

Salty Saturn moon plumes suggest oceanic life

Massive geysers on Saturn's moon Enceladus may be fed by a salty ocean beneath the surface, adding weight to speculation it harbors the essential building blocks needed for life.

Full Story

Regulators Shut Georga Bank

41st to Fail This Year

Regulators have shut down Community Bank of West Georgia, marking the 41st failure this year of a federally insured bank.

Dhaka opposition seeks probe against former caretaker government

Bangladesh's main opposition party has approached the UN seeking a probe against the previous caretaker government for alleged human rights abuses.

Dhaka opposition seeks probe

Pakistan's problems may spill over to India

Fearing that Pakistan's problems could 'easily' spill over to India, Defense Minister A K Antony yesterday asked the armed forces to be vigilant about the happenings in the neighboring country and to keep in mind that the groups Islamabad was now acting against were once considered assets by the establishment.

Full Story

Mexican soldiers capture drug suspect with apparent list of police payoffs in Monterrey area

Mexican soldiers have captured a suspected drug cartel operator with a list of the names of local police officers who apparently received payoffs, the army said Saturday.

Full Story

Gov's wife reveals how she discovered affair

Jenny Sanford recalls how her husband sought permission to visit his mistress even after she discovered his infidelity.

Gov's wife reveals how she discovered affair


advantages of eating cereal

10 advantages of eating cereal

Here's why you can feel great about eating a bowl of cereal every morning — as long as it's made with whole grains.

10 advantages of eating cereal


Time-tested happiness tips

Time-tested happiness tips

An ongoing study launched in 1937 shows three powerful lessons on how to live a happy life.

Time-tested happiness tips


Our Readers

Some of our readers today have been in:

Rome, Lazio, Italy
Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Pontivy, Bretagne, France
The Hague, Zuid-Holland, Netherlands
Kuala Lumpur, Wilayah Persekutuan, Malaysia
Bucharest, Bucuresti, Romania
Berlin, Berlin, Germany
Weimar, Thuringen, Germany
Toronto, Ontario, Canada

as well as Scotland, Brazil, and the United States

Daily Horoscope

Today's horoscope says:

All around you, people are taking it easy, but you're sneaking off to check your work email or go to the office for an hour (which easily turns into three or four).
Yes, there are challenges in the work arena right now, and yes, you definitely feel like it'll get away from you if you let it.
However, the stars say that you could put a lot of energy in that direction and still not get a lot done.
Force yourself to relax and join the fun.

If I have to.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Daily Alamnac

Today is Saturday, June 27, the 178th day of 2009.

There are 187 days left in the year.

Today In History June 27

Rhode Island may change its name

Rhode Island may change its name

America's smallest state could drop part of its official name, which some believe conjures up images of slavery.

Rhode Island may change its name


What is wrong with "State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations" anyway?
Besides being a mouthful?

Secrets waiters won't tell you

Secrets waiters won't tell you

Find out which days you should avoid dining out, and why looking at the bill closely is a good idea.

Secrets waiters won't tell you


North Ireland's Ulster Volunteer Force says it has disarmed

Northern Ireland's oldest paramilitary group, the Ulster Volunteer Force, announced its full disarmament Saturday - a long-sought peacemaking move that, if confirmed, would formally end the pro-British group's decades of terror against Irish Catholics.

North Ireland's Ulster Volunteer Force says it has disarmed

Airfare bargains may soon depart

Airfare bargains may soon depart

Rising fuel prices and the approaching July 4 holiday mean now may be the time to buy.

Airfare bargains may soon depart


And I Quote

I do not think that the real reason why people accept religion is anything to do with argumentation.
They accept religion on emotional grounds.
One is often told that it is a very wrong thing to attack religion, because religion makes men virtuous.
So I am told; I have not noticed it.

~ Bertrand Russell

Unusual Celebrations and Holidays

Today happens to be the Great American Backyard Campout.

House passes climate bill

House passes climate bill

Obama scores a major victory as the House passes a bill to slash industrial pollution blamed for global warming.

House passes climate bill


Saturday Jam

Today's Saturday Jam includes:

Blow Away
George Harrison

It Don't Come Easy
Ringo Starr

Instant Karma
John Lennon

Paul Mc Cartney

President Obama's Weekly Address

Prepared Remarks of President Barack Obama
Weekly Address
The White House
June 27, 2009

Yesterday, the House of Representatives passed a historic piece of legislation that will open the door to a clean energy economy and a better future for America.

For more than three decades, we have talked about our dependence on foreign oil. And for more than three decades, we have seen that dependence grow. We have seen our reliance on fossil fuels jeopardize our national security. We have seen it pollute the air we breathe and endanger our planet. And most of all, we have seen other countries realize a critical truth: the nation that leads in the creation of a clean energy economy will be the nation that leads the 21st century global economy.

Now is the time for the United States of America to realize this too. Now is the time for us to lead.

The energy bill that passed the House will finally create a set of incentives that will spark a clean energy transformation in our economy. It will spur the development of low carbon sources of energy – everything from wind, solar, and geothermal power to safer nuclear energy and cleaner coal. It will spur new energy savings, like the efficient windows and other materials that reduce heating costs in the winter and cooling costs in the summer. And most importantly, it will make possible the creation of millions of new jobs.

Make no mistake: this is a jobs bill. We’re already seeing why this is true in the clean energy investments we’re making through the Recovery Act. In California, 3000 people will be employed to build a new solar plant that will create 1000 permanent jobs. In Michigan, investment in wind turbines and wind technology is expected to create over 2,600 jobs. In Florida, three new solar projects are expected to employ 1400 people.

The list goes on and on, but the point is this: this legislation will finally make clean energy the profitable kind of energy. That will lead to the creation of new businesses and entire new industries. And that will lead to American jobs that pay well and cannot be outsourced. I have often talked about the need to build a new foundation for economic growth so that we do not return to the endless cycle of bubble and bust that led us to this recession. Clean energy and the jobs it creates will be absolutely critical to this new foundation.

This legislation has also been written carefully to address the concerns that many have expressed in the past. Instead of increasing the deficit, it is paid for by the polluters who currently emit dangerous carbon emissions. It provides assistance to businesses and families as they make the gradual transition to clean energy technologies. It gives rural communities and farmers the opportunity to participate in climate solutions and generate new income. And above all, it will protect consumers from the costs of this transition, so that in a decade, the price to the average American will be just about a postage stamp a day.

Because this legislation is so balanced and sensible, it has already attracted a remarkable coalition of consumer and environmental groups; labor and business leaders; Democrats and Republicans. And I want to thank every Member of Congress who put politics aside to support this bill on Friday.

Now my call to every Senator, as well as to every American, is this: We cannot be afraid of the future. And we must not be prisoners of the past. Don’t believe the misinformation out there that suggests there is somehow a contradiction between investing in clean energy and economic growth. It’s just not true.

We have been talking about energy for decades. But there is no longer a disagreement over whether our dependence on foreign oil is endangering our security. It is. There is no longer a debate about whether carbon pollution is placing our planet in jeopardy. It’s happening. And there is no longer a question about whether the jobs and industries of the 21st century will be centered around clean, renewable energy. The question is, which country will create these jobs and these industries? I want that answer to be the United States of America. And I believe that the American people and the men and women they sent to Congress share that view. So I want to congratulate the House for passing this bill, and I want to urge the Senate to take this opportunity to come together and meet our obligations – to our constituents, to our children, to God’s creation, and to future generations.

Thanks for listening.

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Daily Horoscope

Today's horoscope says:

By late tonight, you'll be exhibiting some peculiar characteristics: nostalgia, sentimentality and a desire to return to the past.
No, that doesn't sound at all like you, but remember, even you get to express your feelings, unfiltered, every now and then.
It's officially your turn.
Oh, and when your loved ones look a bit troubled, tell them not to worry.
This, too, shall pass.

All things must pass ...

Friday, June 26, 2009

Ice on fire

Methane trapped in sub-marine ice and permafrost could possibly fuel the world for hundreds of years – but there's an explosive snag ...

The next fossil fuel

Ozone hole has unforeseen effect on ocean carbon sink

The Antarctic ozone hole (Image: NASA / Goddard Space Flight Center / SVS)

The Southern Ocean has lost its appetite for carbon dioxide, and now it appears that ozone levels could be partly to blame.

Ozone hole has unforeseen effect on ocean carbon sink