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Thursday, January 8, 2009

Facts versus the Lie

The lie of "liberal, out-of-touch Hollywood"

Screenwriter/show-runner John Rogers has had it with the wing-nut myth that Hollywood keeps making anti-war movies that flop, proving how out of touch the Liberal Elite are with the will of the masses.
He has written a wonderful debunking of this notion, looking at every war-related film in 2007/2008 and calculating how profitable they were.

Conclusion: Hollywood makes a modest number of films with anti-war messages, and most of them make a decent amount of money.
Then he goes on to offer an inside account of the process by which potentially risky "message" films get made by big, bottom-line oriented studios.

The whole thing was prompted by a comment by John "Dirty Harry" Nolte, whose site offers this epithet to describe himself: "[a] right-wing, Tim Robbins-loathing blogger."

Nolte posted, "Between narratives and documentaries I’ve counted 16 anti-Iraq war films over the last two years. All have flopped, miserably. More are on the way."

As Rogers shows, this is just not true, as a purely factual matter.

From Rogers' piece: Big Hollywood and Why I Admire David Zucker

1.) Body of Lies (2.714 theaters) -- Actually the point of the column in question. Definitely War on Terror oriented. And as noted in the column cited, not profitable at only $39 million against a production budget of $70 million -- oh I'm sorry, what? We're using worldwide box office? Okay, not my idea, but okay. In that case, Body of Lies made $108 million against $70 million production, plainly in the black, even before after-market sales. That's right, the movie they use as an example of a flop on Day One of their shiny new website actually made money according to their own standards. Way to bring the rain, boys. In profit.

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