“We’re very excited,” said Rep. Michele Bachmann (r-Minn.). “It’s exactly what we wanted, and we got it.”
If you spend some time at the media outlets of the “true wingnuts” you will realize that they are “giddy” celebrating the shutdown, and “ideally” want to keep the government shut down “through the 2014 elections” because people in government are “terrified that you might discover you don’t need them.”
Seriously, this is the stuff they are saying to each other. This shutdown could go on a long time. This is who they are.
The Wall Street Journal has the story. “We’re pretty much out of options at this point,” said Rep. Devin Nunes (r., Calif.), criticizing the faction of the cabal most unwilling to compromise. “They’re all giddy about it. …”
Suicide Pact
Have you ever wondered what is going through the head of a suicide bomber at the moment he or she hits the trigger button? Just spend some time reading wingnut blogs and media as they encourage each other to blow up the government. Let’s hope this fever subsides before the debt ceiling is reached.
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